Dorsal carpal arch
The dorsal carpal arch is an anatomical term for the combination (anastomosis
An anastomosis is the reconnection of two streams that previously branched out, such as blood vessels or leaf veins. The term is used in medicine, biology, mycology and geology....

) of dorsal carpal branch of the radial artery
Dorsal carpal branch of the radial artery
The dorsal carpal branch of the radial artery is a small vessel which arises beneath the extensor tendons of the thumb; crossing the carpus transversely toward the medial border of the hand, it anastomoses with the dorsal carpal branch of the ulnar artery.-External links: - "Dorsum of the hand,...

 and the dorsal carpal branch of the ulnar artery
Dorsal carpal branch of the ulnar artery
The dorsal carpal branch of the ulnar artery arises from the ulnar artery immediately above the pisiform bone, and winds backward beneath the tendon of the flexor carpi ulnaris; it passes across the dorsal surface of the carpus beneath the extensor tendons, to anastomose with a corresponding branch...

 near the back of the wrist
In human anatomy, the wrist is variously defined as 1) the carpus or carpal bones, the complex of eight bones forming the proximal skeletal segment of the hand;...


It is made up of the dorsal carpal branches of both the ulnar and radial arteries. It also anastomoses with the anterior interosseous artery and the posterior interosseous artery
Posterior interosseous artery
The posterior interosseous artery is an artery of the forearm.It passes backward between the oblique cord and the upper border of the interosseous membrane...

. The arch gives off three dorsal metacarpal arteries
Dorsal metacarpal arteries
Most of the dorsal metacarpal arteries arise from the dorsal carpal arch and run downward on the second, third, and fourth dorsal interossei of the hand and bifurcate into the dorsal digital arteries. Near their origin, they anastomose with the deep palmar arch by perforating arteries...

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