Don Buck
Don Buck (died 1917) was a Portuguese immigrant in New Zealand
New Zealand
New Zealand is an island country in the south-western Pacific Ocean comprising two main landmasses and numerous smaller islands. The country is situated some east of Australia across the Tasman Sea, and roughly south of the Pacific island nations of New Caledonia, Fiji, and Tonga...

 in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. He was known for working newly released prisoners as gum diggers
Kauri gum, a fossilized resin detracted from kauri trees, is used for chewing or tattooing, and often is made into jewellery. The gum comes from kauri trees found in Agathis australis forests. The trees once covered much of the New Zealand North Island, before Māori and European settlers caused...

 and trading the gum for a profit. He is a historically controversial figure; this is mostly because of the perceived conflict between his profiteering and his making use of criminals and ex-criminals.


Little is known of Don Buck's early life, except that it is believed that he came from the Canary Islands.

He tried various business, all of which failed, before moving out to Henderson, New Zealand
Henderson, New Zealand
Henderson is a major suburb of Auckland, in the North Island of New Zealand. It is located 13 kilometres to the west of Auckland city centre, and two kilometres to the west of the Whau River, a southwestern arm of the Waitemata Harbour.-Description:...

, in 1911, when he started gum-digging at the recommendation of some locals; Kauri gum was at that time experiencing considerable prospecting attention in New Zealand
New Zealand
New Zealand is an island country in the south-western Pacific Ocean comprising two main landmasses and numerous smaller islands. The country is situated some east of Australia across the Tasman Sea, and roughly south of the Pacific island nations of New Caledonia, Fiji, and Tonga...

, of which it became an important product for a short time. From there, he moved out near Swanson Stream and built his abode on some likely prospecting land. There, he found an abundance of gum, but was not able to do the work to remove it himself, due to a heart condition. He persuaded the Police Magistrates in the Auckland
The Auckland metropolitan area , in the North Island of New Zealand, is the largest and most populous urban area in the country with residents, percent of the country's population. Auckland also has the largest Polynesian population of any city in the world...

 Courts, that they should give convicted criminals the option of working at his camp, or serving a sentence in jail. Alongside this, multiple ex-prisoners without any prospects were sent to him.

On top of gaining a profit from selling the gum, he made gain by renting out shacks to prospectors.

Don Buck did not supply alcohol (he himself did not drink, again due to his heart condition), but drunkenness was not rare at his camp, since there were several near-by vineyards. During one drunken bout in the camp, a murder was reported to have happened. The police did not take the much interest in the matter, and after it was found that the victim had drunk large amounts of alcohol prior to his death, the case became stagnant.

Don Buck died suddenly on the 5th of August, 1917, one day after suffering a heart attack. He was buried in a pauper's grave in Waikemete Cemetery, originally with an un-marked or poorly marked grave. The grave has since been marked with a gravestone.
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