Dominic Polcino
Dominic Polcino is an animation director
Animation director
An animation director is the director in charge of all aspects of the animation process during the production of an animated film or animated segment for a live-action film...

 who has worked on The Simpsons
The Simpsons
The Simpsons is an American animated sitcom created by Matt Groening for the Fox Broadcasting Company. The series is a satirical parody of a middle class American lifestyle epitomized by its family of the same name, which consists of Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa and Maggie...

, Mission Hill
Mission Hill
Mission Hill is an American animated television series that first aired on The WB in 1999. Although 18 episodes were planned, only 13 episodes were produced. The show was put on hiatus by the WB Network after two episodes due to poor ratings. It returned to the WB in the summer of 2000 but was...

, King of the Hill
King of the Hill
King of the Hill is an American animated dramedy series created by Mike Judge and Greg Daniels, that ran from January 12, 1997, to May 6, 2010, on Fox network. It centers on the Hills, a working-class Methodist family in the fictional small town of Arlen, Texas...

, and Family Guy
Family Guy
Family Guy is an American animated television series created by Seth MacFarlane for the Fox Broadcasting Company. The series centers on the Griffins, a dysfunctional family consisting of parents Peter and Lois; their children Meg, Chris, and Stewie; and their anthropomorphic pet dog Brian...

. Dominic worked on the first season of Family Guy
Family Guy
Family Guy is an American animated television series created by Seth MacFarlane for the Fox Broadcasting Company. The series centers on the Griffins, a dysfunctional family consisting of parents Peter and Lois; their children Meg, Chris, and Stewie; and their anthropomorphic pet dog Brian...

, then left to direct for King of the Hill
King of the Hill
King of the Hill is an American animated dramedy series created by Mike Judge and Greg Daniels, that ran from January 12, 1997, to May 6, 2010, on Fox network. It centers on the Hills, a working-class Methodist family in the fictional small town of Arlen, Texas...

and then returned to Family Guy. His brother, Michael Polcino
Michael Polcino
Michael Polcino is an animation director on The Simpsons. His brother, Dominic Polcino, is a former Simpsons director and currently works on Family Guy.-The Simpsons episodes:He has directed the following episodes:*"The Mansion Family"...

, is currently a director on The Simpsons.

The Simpsons episodes

He is credited with directing the following episodes:
  • "Sideshow Bob's Last Gleaming
    Sideshow Bob's Last Gleaming
    "Sideshow Bob's Last Gleaming" is the ninth episode of The Simpsons seventh season. It originally aired on the Fox network in the United States on November 26, 1995. In the episode, Sideshow Bob becomes disturbed when he hears the other inmates laughing at the inane antics of Krusty the Clown's...

  • "Bart After Dark
    Bart After Dark
    "Bart After Dark" is the fifth episode of The Simpsons eighth season, first aired by the Fox network on November 24, 1996. After accidentally breaking a stone gargoyle at a local house, Bart is forced to work there as punishment. He assumes it will be boring work, but is pleasantly surprised when...

  • "The Canine Mutiny
    The Canine Mutiny
    "The Canine Mutiny" is the twentieth episode of The Simpsons eighth season, which originally aired April 13, 1997. It was written by Ron Hauge and directed by Dominic Polcino. It guest stars voice actor Frank Welker as Laddie, a parody of Lassie...

  • "Lisa's Sax
    Lisa's Sax
    "Lisa's Sax" is the third episode of The Simpsons ninth season and originally aired on the Fox network on October 19, 1997 to overwhelmingly positive reviews. In the series' sixth flashback episode, it is explained how Lisa got her saxophone...

  • "Bart Star
    Bart Star
    "Bart Star" is the sixth episode of the ninth season of the animated television series The Simpsons, which originally aired November 9, 1997. The title of this episode is a play on Bart Starr...

  • "Dumbbell Indemnity
    Dumbbell Indemnity
    "Dumbbell Indemnity" is the sixteenth episode of the ninth season of the animated television series The Simpsons, which originally aired March 1, 1998. It was written by Ron Hauge and directed by Dominic Polcino. The episode sees Moe trying to keep his girlfriend by using a large amount of money,...

  • "Lard of the Dance
    Lard of the Dance
    "Lard of the Dance" is the first episode of The Simpsons tenth season, that originally aired on August 23, 1998. Homer discovers he can make money by stealing and reselling grease, but eventually stops after negative encounters with Groundskeeper Willie and the Springfield Grease Company...


King of the Hill episodes

He is credited with directing the following episodes:
  • "Pretty, Pretty Dresses"
  • "Bill of Sales"
  • "Peggy Makes the Big Leagues
    Peggy Makes the Big Leagues
    "Peggy Makes the Big Leagues" is the 89th episode in the Fox animated television series King of the Hill and is the 5th episode of the fifth season. - Plot :...

  • "Now Who's the Dummy?"
  • "Joust Like a Woman"
  • "Beer and Loathing"
  • "The Son Also Roses"
  • "Pigmalion"
  • "Vision Quest
    Vision Quest
    Vision Quest is a 1985 coming of age drama film starring Matthew Modine, Linda Fiorentino, and Ronny Cox. It is based on Terry Davis' novel of the same name. In some countries, it was released as Crazy for You to market on Madonna's emerging fame and the popularity of the song...

  • "Reborn to be Wild"
  • "After the Mold Rush"
  • "DaleTech"
  • "Enrique-cilable Differences
    Enrique-cilable Differences
    "Enrique-cilable Differences" is the 178th episode in the Fox animated situation comedy series King of the Hill and was the 7th episode of the 9th season. The episode's title refers to the term "irreconcilable differences" used in divorce...

  • "Mutual of Omabwah
    Mutual of Omabwah
    "Mutual of Omabwah" is the 179th episode in the Fox animated situation comedy series King of the Hill and was the 8th episode of the 9th season. The episode's title refers to the Mutual of Omaha insurance company.-Plot:...

  • "Bystand Me
    Bystand Me
    "Bystand Me" is the 188th episode of the Fox comedy King of the Hill, and the 2nd episode of the 10th season, although originally produced for the shortened 9th season. The episode's title is a reference to either the song or film Stand by Me.-Plot:...


Family Guy episodes

He is credited with directing the following episodes:
  • "Chitty Chitty Death Bang
    Chitty Chitty Death Bang
    "Chitty Chitty Death Bang" is the third episode of the first season of the animated comedy series Family Guy. The episode follows Peter after he tries to make amends for his son, Stewie's, first birthday party when he loses their reservation at a popular kids restaurant known as Cheesie Charlie's...

  • "You May Now Kiss the...Uh...Guy Who Receives"
  • "Bill and Peter's Bogus Journey
    Bill and Peter's Bogus Journey
    "Bill & Peter's Bogus Journey" is the thirteenth episode of season five of Family Guy; originally airing on March 11, 2007. The plot follows Peter deciding to become physically fit; however, Peter ends up in the hospital after attempting to impress former U.S. President Bill Clinton...

  • "Blue Harvest
    Blue Harvest (Family Guy)
    "Blue Harvest" is the hour-long premiere to the sixth season of the FOX series Family Guy and the first part of the series' trilogy Laugh It Up, Fuzzball. It originally aired on September 23, 2007. The episode is a retelling and parody of the 1977 blockbuster film, Star Wars Episode IV: A New...

  • "Long John Peter
    Long John Peter
    "Long John Peter" is the twelfth episode and the season finale of the sixth season of the animated series Family Guy. It originally aired on Fox in the United States on May 4, 2008...

  • "Something, Something, Something, Dark Side
    Something, Something, Something, Dark Side
    "Something, Something, Something, Dark Side" is the season finale of the eighth season of the animated comedy series Family Guy and part of the series's trilogy Laugh It Up, Fuzzball. It originally aired on Fox in the United States on May 23, 2010...

  • "And Then There Were Fewer
    And Then There Were Fewer
    "And Then There Were Fewer" is the first episode of the ninth season of the animated comedy series Family Guy. It originally aired on Fox in the United States on September 26, 2010. The episode follows the citizens of Quahog, Rhode Island, after they are invited by actor James Woods to his stately...

  • "The Big Bang Theory"

External links

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