Descent Pass
Descent Pass is a pass leading from Blue Glacier
Blue Glacier
Blue Glacier is a large glacier located to the north of Mount Olympus in the Olympic Mountains of Washington. The glacier covers an area of and contains of ice and snow in spite of its low terminus elevation...

 to Ferrar Glacier
Ferrar Glacier
The Ferrar Glacier is an Antarctic glacier about long, flowing from the plateau of Victoria Land west of the Royal Society Range to New Harbour in McMurdo Sound. The glacier makes a right turn northeast of Knobhead, where it is apposed, i.e., joined in Siamese-twin fashion, to Taylor Glacier...

, in Victoria Land
Victoria Land
Victoria Land is a region of Antarctica bounded on the east by the Ross Ice Shelf and the Ross Sea and on the west by Oates Land and Wilkes Land. It was discovered by Captain James Clark Ross in January 1841 and named after the UK's Queen Victoria...

, Antarctica. It was so named by the party led by Armitage
Albert Armitage
Albert Borlase Armitage was a Scottish explorer of Antarctica and captain in the Royal Navy.He was first a member of the Jackson-Harmsworth Expedition exploring Franz Josef Land...

 of the Discovery
Discovery Expedition
The British National Antarctic Expedition, 1901–04, generally known as the Discovery Expedition, was the first official British exploration of the Antarctic regions since James Clark Ross's voyage sixty years earlier...

expedition (1901–04) because of the adventurous descent to Ferrar Glacier made here via Descent Glacier
Descent Glacier
Descent Glacier is a short, steep glacier between Briggs Hill and Condit Glacier, flowing northwest from Descent Pass into Ferrar Glacier, in Victoria Land. So named because of the adventurous descent made here by the party led by Armitage of the Discovery expedition, 1901-04. The name seems to...

in 1902.
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