David Schmidtz
David Schmidtz is Kendrick Professor of Philosophy
Philosophy is the study of general and fundamental problems, such as those connected with existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language. Philosophy is distinguished from other ways of addressing such problems by its critical, generally systematic approach and its reliance on rational...

 and joint Professor of Economics
Economics is the social science that analyzes the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. The term economics comes from the Ancient Greek from + , hence "rules of the house"...

 at the University of Arizona
University of Arizona
The University of Arizona is a land-grant and space-grant public institution of higher education and research located in Tucson, Arizona, United States. The University of Arizona was the first university in the state of Arizona, founded in 1885...

. He grew up in Saskatchewan, Canada, and earned his PhD at Arizona under the direction of Joel Feinberg
Joel Feinberg
Joel Feinberg was an American political and social philosopher. He is known for his work in the fields of ethics, action theory, philosophy of law, and political philosophy as well as individual rights and the authority of the state...

 and Allen Buchanan
Allen Buchanan
Allen Buchanan is the James B. Duke Professor of philosophy at Duke University. He received his PhD from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1975. He taught at the University of Arizona, the University of Wisconsin–Madison, and the University of Minnesota before joining Duke's...

 and taught at Yale
RapidMiner, formerly YALE , is an environment for machine learning, data mining, text mining, predictive analytics, and business analytics. It is used for research, education, training, rapid prototyping, application development, and industrial applications...

 and Bowling Green State University
Bowling Green State University
Bowling Green State University, often referred to as Bowling Green or BGSU, is a public, coeducational research university located in Bowling Green, Ohio, United States. The institution was granted a charter in 1910 by the State of Ohio as part of the Lowry Bill, which also established Kent State...

 before returning to Arizona. He taught first-year Property as a visiting professor at Florida State University College of Law
Florida State University College of Law
Florida State University College of Law is the law school of Florida State University in Tallahassee. The law school's highly accomplished and accessible law faculty delivers a program that has an interdisciplinary orientation designed to produce well-rounded and effective lawyers.The law school...

 in 2007.

He is author of Elements of Justice (Cambridge, 2006), Rational Choice and Moral Agency (Princeton, 1995), co-author of Social Welfare and Individual Responsibility (Cambridge, a “For & Against” book with Robert Goodin) and editor of a volume on Robert Nozick
Robert Nozick
Robert Nozick was an American political philosopher, most prominent in the 1970s and 1980s. He was a professor at Harvard University. He is best known for his book Anarchy, State, and Utopia , a right-libertarian answer to John Rawls's A Theory of Justice...

 in the Cambridge University Press "Contemporary Philosophy in Focus" series. He also co-edited Environmental Ethics: What Really Matters, What Really Works (Oxford) with Elizabeth Willott; a second edition of this book appeared in 2011. His first book, The Limits of Government: An Essay on the Public Goods Argument (Westview, 1991), combined his interests in moral philosophy and economic analysis.

He has published in many journals, including the Journal of Philosophy, Ethics, and Political Theory. Over fifty of his articles have been (or are in the process of being) reprinted, including Spanish, Portuguese, Mandarin, Turkish, Italian, Romanian, Czech, Slovak, and German translations. Thirteen of his essays (one previously unpublished, on Peter Singer's approach to moral theory) were published by Oxford Press as Person, Polis, Planet in 2008. His current projects are The Purpose of Moral Theory and A Brief History of Liberty (Wiley-Blackwell, 2010), with co-author Jason Brennan.

Schmidtz has also written on rational choice theory
Rational choice theory
Rational choice theory, also known as choice theory or rational action theory, is a framework for understanding and often formally modeling social and economic behavior. It is the main theoretical paradigm in the currently-dominant school of microeconomics...

 and environmental ethics
Environmental ethics
Environmental ethics is the part of environmental philosophy which considers extending the traditional boundaries of ethics from solely including humans to including the non-human world...


In addition to his teaching, he directs a center for the Philosophy of Freedom at the University of Arizona.

External links

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