David Pigeon
David Pigeon led a company of provincial New England
New England
New England is a region in the northeastern corner of the United States consisting of the six states of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut...

 militia from the garrison at Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia
Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia
Annapolis Royal is a town located in the western part of Annapolis County, Nova Scotia. Known as Port Royal until the Conquest of Acadia in 1710 by Britain, the town is the oldest continuous European settlement in North America, north of St...

 up the Annapolis River
Annapolis River
The Annapolis River is a Canadian river located in Nova Scotia's Annapolis Valley.-Geography:Measuring 120 kilometres in length, the river flows southwest through the western part of the valley from its source in Caribou Bog near the villages of Aylesford and Berwick in western Kings County, to...

 aboard the whaleboat Devonshire, and was ambushed in the Battle of Bloody Creek on June 10, 1711 (June 21 in the New Style). He was a major in Sir Charles Hobbey's Regiment, the North Regiment of Essex. He was taken prisoner, along with the rest of his crew, in Quebec and forced to pay 800 livres for his ransom. He was placed on half-pay in 1713 and continued to draw a pension until at least 1722.
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