Dap Prampi Mesa Chokchey
Dap Prampi Mesa Chokchey was the national anthem of Democratic Kampuchea
Democratic Kampuchea
The Khmer Rouge period refers to the rule of Pol Pot, Nuon Chea, Ieng Sary, Son Sen, Khieu Samphan and the Khmer Rouge Communist party over Cambodia, which the Khmer Rouge renamed as Democratic Kampuchea....

 from at least January 1976. Although the anthem may have been in use in the 'liberated zone' much earlier, it was proclaimed the national anthem in article 18 of the Constitution of Kampuchea which was promulgated on the 5th January 1976.They say that the Khmer Rouge themselves made the song but its status remains unknown.




ស្រោចសព៌ក្រុងវាល កម្ពុជាមាតុភូមិ

ឈាមកម្មករ កសិករដ៏ឧត្តម

ឈាមយុទ្ធជន យុទ្ធនារីបដិវត្តិ ។

ឈាមប្រែក្លាយជា កំហឹងខ្លាំងក្លា


ដប់ប្រាំពីរមេសា ក្រោមទង់បដិវត្តិ

ឈាមរំដោះ អំពីភាពខ្ញុំគេ ។

ជយោ ! ជយោ ! ដប់ប្រាំពីរមេសាជោគជ័យ


លើសសម័យអង្គរ !



ប្រជាធិបតេយ្យ សមភាពនឹងយុតិធឞ៌

តាមមាគ៌឵ម្ចាស់ការ ឯករាជ្យរឹងមាំ

ប្តេជ្ញាដាច់ខាត ការពារមាតុភូមិ

ទឹកដីឧត្តម បដិវត្តដ៏រុងរឿង

ជយោ ! ជយោ ! ជយោ ! កម្ពុជាថ្មី

ប្រជាធិបតេយ្យ សំបូរថ្កុមថ្កើង

ប្តេជ្ញាជ្រោងគ្រវី ទង់បដិវត្តិក្រហមខ្ពស់ឡើង

សាងមាតុភូមិយើង អោយចំរើនលោតផ្លោះ

មហារុងរឿង មហាអស្ចារ្យ !

Transcription (ALA-LC)

Jhām kraham crāl

scor srab kruṅ vāl kambujā mātubhūm

jhām kammakar kasekar ṭa uttam

jhām yuddhajan yuddhanari paṭivatt.

Jhām prae klāy jā kaṃhiṅ khlāṃṅ klā

ta ŝū moḥ mut

ṭap' prāṃ bīr mesā krom daṅ' paṭivatt

jhām raṃṭoḥ aṃ bī bhāb khñuṃ ge.

Jăyo! Jăyo! Ṭap' prāṃ bīr mesā jog jay

mahā ascāry mān năy dhaṃ dheṅ

loes samăy aṅgar!

Yoeṅ ruop ruom gnā

ka sāṅ kambujā nịṅ saṅgam thmī pavar

prajā dhipateyy samabhāb nịṅ yutti dharm

tām mārgā mcās' kār ekarāj rịṅ māṃ

ptejñā ṭāc' khāt kārbār mātubhūm

dịk ṭī uttam paṭivatt ṭă ruṅ rīoeṅ!

Jăyo! Jăyo! Jăyo! Kambujā thmī

prajā dhipateyy saṃpūr thkuṃ thkoeṅ

ptejñā jroṅ gravī daṅ' paṭivatt kraham khbas' ḷoeṅ

sāṅ mātubhūm yoeṅ oy caṃroen lot phloḥ

mahā ruṅ rīoeṅ mahā ascāry!

Translation into English

The bright red blood

Was spilled over the towns and over the plain of Kampuchea, our motherland,

The blood of our good workers and farmers and of

Our revolutionary combatants, of both men and women.

Their blood produced a great anger and the courage

To contend with heroism.

On the 17th of April, under the revolutionary banner,

Their blood freed us from the state of slavery.

Hurrah for the glorious 17th of April!

That wonderful victory had greater significance

Than the Angkor period!

We are uniting

To construct a Kampuchea with a new and better society,

Democratic, egalitarian and just.

We follow the road to a firmly-based Independence.

We absolutely guarantee to defend our motherland,

Our fine territory, our Magnificent revolution!

Hurrah for the new Kampuchea,

A splendid, democratic land of plenty!

We guarantee to raise aloft and wave the red banner of the revolution.

We shall make our motherland prosperous beyond all others,

Magnificent, wonderful!

External links

The source of this article is wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.  The text of this article is licensed under the GFDL.