Daniel Semyonovich Komissarov
Daniel Semyonovich Komissarov (1907, Bokhara-2008) is a renowned Russian Iranologist and distinguished professor of Persian literature
Persian literature
Persian literature spans two-and-a-half millennia, though much of the pre-Islamic material has been lost. Its sources have been within historical Persia including present-day Iran as well as regions of Central Asia where the Persian language has historically been the national language...


He acted as a professor at Saint Petersburg University for years and was a member of USSR academy of science. Komissarov worked significantly on the literary works of Sadeq Hedayat. He translated works of classical Persian poets as Rudaki
Abu Abdollah Jafar ibn Mohammad Rudaki , also written as Rudagi , was a Persian poet, and is regarded as the first great literary genius of the Modern Persian, who composed poems in the "New Persian" alphabet. Rudaki is considered as a founder of Persian classical literature.He was born in 858 in...

 and modern writers as Simin Daneshvar
Simin Daneshvar
Simin Dāneshvar is an Iranian academic, novelist, fiction writer and translator of literary works from English, German, Italian and Russian into Persian. Daneshvar has a number of firsts to her credit. In 1948, her collection of Persian short stories was the first by an Iranian woman to be...

, Sadeq Choubak and Said Nafisi
Said Nafisi
Saeed Nafisi was an Iranian scholar, fiction writer and poet. He was a prolific writer in Persian....


See also

  • Iranian culture
  • Iranistics
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