Community of circumstance
A community of circumstance is similar to a community of practice
Community of practice
A community of practice is, according to cognitive anthropologists Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger, a group of people who share an interest, a craft, and/or a profession. The group can evolve naturally because of the members' common interest in a particular domain or area, or it can be created...

, except that it is driven by position, circumstance or life experiences rather than a shared interest. Examples might include cancer sufferers using a support newsgroup or the members of gay/lesbian newsgroups. A Prison
A prison is a place in which people are physically confined and, usually, deprived of a range of personal freedoms. Imprisonment or incarceration is a legal penalty that may be imposed by the state for the commission of a crime...

 or other correctional facility can be thought of as a community of circumstance; passengers of the same plane form a temporary community of circumstance as well.

Related to

  • Community of action
    Community of action
    A community of action , unlike a community of practice , exists in a situation that is structurally more open, where actors have the possibility of bringing about change...

  • Community of inquiry
    Community of inquiry
    A community of inquiry is the social and educational context that leads to “questioning, reasoning, connecting, deliberating, challenging, and developing problem-solving techniques” as described by Matthew Lipman ....

  • Community of interest
    Community of interest
    A community of interest is a community of people who share a common interest or passion. These people exchange ideas and thoughts about the given passion, but may know little about each other outside of this area...

  • Community of place
    Community of place
    A community of place or place-based community is a community of people who are bound together because of where they reside, work, visit or otherwise spend a continuous portion of their time...

  • Community of position
    Community of position
    A community of position is distinguished from a community of practice in that it tends to be more personally focused. Communities of Position built around life stages provide individuals with the opportunity to build relationships with others during that particular phase of their lives.-Related...

  • Community of practice
    Community of practice
    A community of practice is, according to cognitive anthropologists Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger, a group of people who share an interest, a craft, and/or a profession. The group can evolve naturally because of the members' common interest in a particular domain or area, or it can be created...

  • Community of purpose
    Community of purpose
    A community of purpose is a community of people who are going through the same process or are trying to achieve a similar objective. Such communities serve a functional purpose, smoothing the path of the member for a limited period surrounding a given activity...

External links

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