Coklat Stroberi
Coklat Stroberi is a 2007
2007 in film
This is a list of major films released in 2007.-Top grossing films:Please note that following the tradition of the English-language film industry, these are the top grossing films that were first released in the USA in 2007...

Indonesia , officially the Republic of Indonesia , is a country in Southeast Asia and Oceania. Indonesia is an archipelago comprising approximately 13,000 islands. It has 33 provinces with over 238 million people, and is the world's fourth most populous country. Indonesia is a republic, with an...

n teen drama comedy directed by Ardy Octaviand and written by Upi Avianto
Upi Avianto
Upi Avianto is an Indonesian screenwriter and film director who has worked on several of Indonesia's most popular films in the 2000s. He directed the 2004 film 30 hari mencari cinta which founded the film career of actress Nirina Zubir‎...



Coklat Stroberi is an Indonesian teenage drama comedy. The film tells the story of two young female university students, Key
and Citra, who share a house in a plush Jakarta suburb. Due to difficulties
in paying their rent, their landlady forces two new male tenants on
them, Nesta and Aldi. Key and Citra, despite their beauty, are for some
unexplained reason very unlucky in love and fear that they will end up
as spinsters. They immediately fall for their handsome housemates.
Unbeknown to them, the two young men are actually lovers, though
various visual clues ensure that the audience is let in on the secret.
While Nesta has a very masculine and straight-acting look, Aldi is feminine
and moody. Nesta explains to Aldi – and to the audience – the
theory of chocolate strawberry. Basically, strawberry equates to feminine
and gay, and so in order not to be found out it is important to act
chocolate – that is, to act masculine and straight. As well as more innocent
ways of showing that one is straight, such as doing weight training,
spending hours on the PlayStation, and not cooking, Nesta decides it
would be a good ploy to start flirting with and eventually dating Key.
Aldi becomes increasingly jealous as he sees his love of the last two
years devoting far too much attention to Key.
Meanwhile, Citra starts flirting with Aldi, although he notices none
of her various manoeuvres. Aldi decides he will lie no longer, and when
his parents come to dinner, he comes out to them. His father has an
asthma attack, such is his shock and disgust, and his mother leaves
with his father, urging Aldi to revert to how he used to be. Things
further come to a head when Citra and Key walk in on the two men as
they are kissing. But instead of admitting it was all a deception, Nesta
states that he really is in love with Key. Nesta has turned truly chocolate
(or straight). Key initially rejects Nesta for lying to her, but returns
to him after having run through the Jakarta night to stop him before he
leaves forever. So it seems we have the conclusion: Nesta is turned
straight by the charms of the pretty Key; Citra is still alone due to her
distrust of men; Aldi is also to spend his life alone as a sad but out
homosexual. However, in the final scene, as is demanded by romantic
comedies, everyone is provided with a partner: Citra wins the attention
of a cool rocker at a pop concert, and then Aldi appears hand in hand
with Citra’s boss, Dani. Incidentally, the punk-looking Dani is played
by Fauzi Baadila, one of Indonesia’s most in-demand young actors,
someone generally associated with far more macho roles.


  • Marsha Timothy
  • Marrio Medhithia
  • Nino Fernandez
  • Nadia Saphira
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