Clinostomus is a genus of cyprinid
The family Cyprinidae, from the Ancient Greek kyprînos , consists of the carps, the true minnows, and their relatives . Commonly called the carp family or the minnow family, its members are also known as cyprinids...

 fish that occur in eastern North America
North America
North America is a continent wholly within the Northern Hemisphere and almost wholly within the Western Hemisphere. It is also considered a northern subcontinent of the Americas...

. There are two species in this genus.


  • Clinostomus elongatus (Kirtland
    Jared Potter Kirtland
    Jared Potter Kirtland was a naturalist, malacologist, and politician most active in the U.S. state of Ohio, where he served as a probate judge, and in the Ohio House of Representatives...

    , 1840)
    (Redside dace)
  • Clinostomus funduloides
    Clinostomus funduloides
    Clinostomus funduloides is a species of cyprinid fish. It is one of the 324 fish species found in Tennessee.-External links:*FishBase:...

    Charles Frédéric Girard
    Charles Frédéric Girard was a French biologist specializing in ichthyology and herpetology.Born in Mulhouse, France, he studied at the College of Neuchâtel, Switzerland as a student of Louis Agassiz. In 1847, he accompanied Agassiz as his assistant to Harvard...

    , 1856
    (Rosyside dace)
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