Chrysogonus of Macedon
Chrysogonus was an intimate friend and devoted servant of Philip V
Philip V of Macedon
Philip V was King of Macedon from 221 BC to 179 BC. Philip's reign was principally marked by an unsuccessful struggle with the emerging power of Rome. Philip was attractive and charismatic as a young man...

. He was employed by Philip both in war and in peace, and possessed great influence with the king, which he seems to have exercised in an honourable manner, for Polybius
Polybius , Greek ) was a Greek historian of the Hellenistic Period noted for his work, The Histories, which covered the period of 220–146 BC in detail. The work describes in part the rise of the Roman Republic and its gradual domination over Greece...

 says that Philip was most merciful when he followed the advice of Chrysogonus. He was also the father of poet Samus
Samus (son of Chrysogonus)
Samus or Samius or Simmias son of Chrysogonus was a Macedonian lyric and epigrammatic poet. He was brought up with Philip V, the son of Demetrius, by whom also he was put to death, but for what reason we are not informed. He therefore flourished at the end of the 3rd century BC...

executed by Philip V.
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