Charles Angas Hurst
Charles Angas Hurst AM, PhD, Hon DSc (Melb), was an Australian mathematical physicist noted for his work in Lattice models, Quantum field theory
Quantum field theory
Quantum field theory provides a theoretical framework for constructing quantum mechanical models of systems classically parametrized by an infinite number of dynamical degrees of freedom, that is, fields and many-body systems. It is the natural and quantitative language of particle physics and...

, Asymptotic expansions and Lie groups. His PhD was a seminal work on Quantum field theory, developing asymptotic expansions for perturbation expansions. In 1952 Hurst represented Australia in the inaugural International Mathematical Union
International Mathematical Union
The International Mathematical Union is an international non-governmental organisation devoted to international cooperation in the field of mathematics across the world. It is a member of the International Council for Science and supports the International Congress of Mathematicians...


Hurst's work with Herbert Green on lattice problems and the Ising model
Ising model
The Ising model is a mathematical model of ferromagnetism in statistical mechanics. The model consists of discrete variables called spins that can be in one of two states . The spins are arranged in a graph , and each spin interacts with its nearest neighbors...

 led to the Free fermion field model, which contained all known properties of Fermions at the time of its publication. Hurst's work with Thirring (Thirring model
Thirring model
The Thirring model is an exactly solvable quantum field theory which describes the self-interactions of a Dirac field in two dimension.-Definition:The Thirring model is given by the Lagrangian density...

) found the simplest non-linear field and is still used as a test model for perturbation theory
Perturbation theory (quantum mechanics)
In quantum mechanics, perturbation theory is a set of approximation schemes directly related to mathematical perturbation for describing a complicated quantum system in terms of a simpler one. The idea is to start with a simple system for which a mathematical solution is known, and add an...


External links

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