Chapeltown Central railway station
Chapeltown Central railway station was situated on the former South Yorkshire Railway
South Yorkshire Railway
The South Yorkshire Railway was a railway company which was based in the south of the former West Riding of Yorkshire, England. Its first section of line opened on 10 November 1849 between Swinton Junction and Doncaster...

's Blackburn Valley line between Ecclesfield East
Ecclesfield East railway station
Ecclesfield East railway station was built by the South Yorkshire Railway on their "Blackburn Valley" line between Sheffield Wicker and Barnsley...

 and Westwood
Westwood railway station
Westwood railway station was situated on the South Yorkshire Railway's Blackburn Valley line between and . The station served an area of few houses apart from two rows of miners' cottages known as "Westwood Row"...

. The station which was also known as Chapeltown and Thorncliffe was intended to serve Chapeltown
Chapeltown, South Yorkshire
Chapeltown is in northern Sheffield, in South Yorkshire, England. It forms part of the Ecclesfield civil parish. There is a wide variety of shops, pubs and restaurants as well as a supermarket...

, South Yorkshire
South Yorkshire
South Yorkshire is a metropolitan county in the Yorkshire and the Humber region of England. It has a population of 1.29 million. It consists of four metropolitan boroughs: Barnsley, Doncaster, Rotherham, and City of Sheffield...

, England
England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom. It shares land borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west; the Irish Sea is to the north west, the Celtic Sea to the south west, with the North Sea to the east and the English Channel to the south separating it from continental...

, although about 1 miles (1.6 km) from its centre. It also served the works of Newton, Chambers & Company
Newton, Chambers & Company
It was in 1789 that George Newton and Thomas Chambers entered into a partnership that would result in the founding of one of England's largest industrial companies of that era, Newton, Chambers & Co.-History:...

, one of the largest industrial companies in the area.

The station consisted of two staggered platforms linked by a footbridge and was rebuilt in the M.S.& L.R.'s Double Pavilion style in the 1880s.

Closure to passengers came on 7 December 1953 and to all traffic in April 1954.

External links

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