Chaenopsis coheni
Chaenopsis coheni, known commonly as the Cortez pikeblenny in Mexico
The United Mexican States , commonly known as Mexico , is a federal constitutional republic in North America. It is bordered on the north by the United States; on the south and west by the Pacific Ocean; on the southeast by Guatemala, Belize, and the Caribbean Sea; and on the east by the Gulf of...

, is a species of chaenopsid blenny
The blennioid family Chaenopsidae includes the pike-blennies, tube-blennies and flagblennies: all perciform marine fish. The family is strictly tropical, ranging from North to South America...

 in the genus Chaenopsis
Chaenopsis is a genus of pikeblennies found in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans.-Species:* Cortez pikeblenny, Chaenopsis coheni * Delta pikeblenny, Chaenopsis deltarrhis...

. It is found around the Isla Angel de la Guarda
Isla Ángel de la Guarda
Isla Ángel de la Guarda, also called Archangel Island, and called Xazl Iimt east of Bahía de los Ángeles, and separated from the Baja California Peninsula by the Canal de Ballenas . It is the second largest of the eleven Midriff Islands or Islas Grandes. It is part of the state of Baja California,...

, in the Gulf of California
Gulf of California
The Gulf of California is a body of water that separates the Baja California Peninsula from the Mexican mainland...

, in the eastern central Pacific ocean. It was named by J.E. Böhlke in 1957.
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