Centrum Schwule Geschichte
Centrum Schwule Geschichte e. V.
Eingetragener Verein
Eingetragener Verein is a legal status for a registered voluntary association in Germany and Austria. While any group may be called a Verein, registration as eingetragener Verein holds many legal benefits because a registered association may legally function as a corporate body rather than just...

(meaning: Gay History Centre), abbreviated CSG, is a German LGBT
LGBT is an initialism that collectively refers to "lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender" people. In use since the 1990s, the term "LGBT" is an adaptation of the initialism "LGB", which itself started replacing the phrase "gay community" beginning in the mid-to-late 1980s, which many within the...

 organization based in Cologne
Cologne is Germany's fourth-largest city , and is the largest city both in the Germany Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia and within the Rhine-Ruhr Metropolitan Area, one of the major European metropolitan areas with more than ten million inhabitants.Cologne is located on both sides of the...


CSG maintains a publicly open library and archive, both relating to LGBT history
LGBT history
LGBT history refers to the history of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender peoples and cultures around the world, dating back to the first recorded instances of same-sex love and sexuality of ancient civilizations. What survives of many centuries' persecution– resulting in shame, suppression,...

 and gay activism in Germany, with a focus on the LGBT communities of Cologne and the Rhineland
Historically, the Rhinelands refers to a loosely-defined region embracing the land on either bank of the River Rhine in central Europe....

. Historic documents reach back as far as the 1230s, but it has a more comprehensive inventory on magazines and other publications from the 20th century. Centrum Schwule Geschichte also organizes exhibitions, lectures and other presentations, while CSG's work has also been published in books and magazines. Invertito - Jahrbuch für die Geschichte der Homosexualitäten (Annual For The History Of Homosexualities) is co-owned by the organization.

The organisation was established in 1984 and maintains an office in the district of Kalk; its predecessor were the Rheinisches Schwulenarchiv and the Arbeitskreis schwule Geschichte.

Permanent Exhibition

  • Himmel und Hölle. 100 Jahre schwul in Köln permanent exhibition since 2005; vernissage on 27. June 2002 im conjunction with Europride
    Europride is a pan-European international event dedicated to LGBT pride, hosted by a different European city each year. The host city is usually one with an established gay pride event or a significant LGBT community....


Temporary Exhibitions

  • Aufklärung und Aufregung - 50 Jahre Schwule und Lesben in der BRAVO
    Bravo (magazine)
    Bravo is the largest teen magazine within the German-language sphere. The first issue was published in 1956, subtitled as "the magazine for film and television" . Marilyn Monroe's portrait graced the first published issue, the never-published dummy issue cover displayed Elvis Presley.-History:The...

    , 2010
  • Anders als die Andern. Schwule und Lesben in Köln und Umgebung 1895-1918, 2007 at the University of Cologne
    University of Cologne
    The University of Cologne is one of the oldest universities in Europe and, with over 44,000 students, one of the largest universities in Germany. The university is part of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, an association of Germany's leading research universities...

  • Troubles in Paradise. 30 Jahre Schwulen- und Lesbenzentren in Köln, 2005
  • Phönix in Asche. Fotografien von Hans-Jürgen Esch, 2003
  • Hannes Steinert: "Das Glück ist ein Augenblick" Art exhibition, 2002.
  • Aufgespießt ... Homosexualität in der Karikatur, 2002
  • Volksaufklärung per Verlagspolitik. Max Spohr
    Max Spohr
    Johannes Hermann August Wilhelm Max Spohr was a German bookseller and publisher. He was one of the first publishers worldwide, who published LGBT publications...

     (1850-1905), Verleger in Leipzig
    , 2001
  • Gegen die Regeln. Lesben und Schwule im Sport., 2000 at Deutsches Sport- und Olympiamuseum
  • Registriert. Polizei und Homosexuelle, 2000
  • St. Sebastian oder Die schwule Kunst zu leiden, 1999
  • Who Cares? Patrick Hamm: Video Stills, 1999
  • Poster, Posen, Pornos. Zum homosexuellen Männerbild 1945 bis 1998, 1998
  • Die Harten und die Zarten. Die Darstellung von Homosexualität im Film, 1998
  • "Das sind Volksfeinde!" Kölner Sonderaktion gegen Homosexuelle im Sommer 1938, 1998 at EL-DE-Haus (NS-Dokumentationszentrum)
  • Enthüllungen! Die 1. Kölner Reliquienausstellung aus über 2000 Jahren schwuler Geschichte, 1995
  • "Verführte Männer." Das Leben der Kölner Homosexuellen im Dritten Reich, 1991
  • Dornröschen. Das Leben der "Verzauberten" im Köln der 20er Jahre, 1987 at Kölner Schwulen- und Lesbenzentrum.


  • C. Limpricht/J. Müller/N. Oxenius (Hg.): Verführte Männer. Das Leben der Kölner Homosexuellen im Dritten Reich, Emons Verlag, Köln 1991, ISBN 3-924491-74-7
  • K. Balser/M. Kramp/J. Müller/J. Gotzmann (Hg.): Himmel und Hölle. Das Leben der Kölner Homosexuellen 1945 bis 1969, Emons-Verlag, Köln 1994, ISBN 3-924491-54-2
  • J. Müller/W. Berude (Hg.): Das sind Volksfeinde. Die Verfolgung von Homosexuellen an Rhein und Ruhr von 1933 bis 1945, Emons-Verlag, Köln 1998, ISBN 3-89705-124-9
  • E. In het Panhuis: Die Harten und die Zarten. Homosexualität im Film, Köln 1998
  • E. In het Panhuis / H. Potthoff: St. Sebastian oder Die schwule Kunst zu leiden, Köln 1999
  • E. In het Panhuis: Anders als die Andern. Schwule und Lesben in Köln und Umgebung 1895-1918, Emons Verlag, Köln 2006, ISBN 3-89705-481-7
  • E. In het Panhuis: Aufklärung und Aufregung - 50 Jahre Schwule und Lesben in der BRAVO, Archiv der Jugendkulturen Verlag KG, Berlin 2010, ISBN 978-3-940213-58-7

See also

  • Cologne Pride
  • Timeline of LGBT history
    Timeline of LGBT history
    The following is a timeline of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender related history.-9660 to 5000 BC:* Mesolithic rock art in Sicily depicts phallic male figures in pairs that have been interpreted variously, including as depictions of homosexual intercourse.-7000 to 1700 BC:*Among the sexual...

  • Schwules Museum
    Schwules Museum
    The Schwules Museum is an LGBT museum in Berlin which opened in 1985.The impetus for the founding of the Schwules Museum was a successful exhibition on gay topics at the Berlin Museum in summer 1984, Eldorado. This was the first public exposition in Germany of recent research on gay life...


External links

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