Boston Vegetarian Society
The Boston Vegetarian Society (BVS) "seeks to make a better world for people, animals, and the earth through advancing a healthful vegetarian diet and a compassionate ethic." BVS provides education, encouragement, and community support for vegetarians and for anyone wishing to learn more about a healthy, environmentally-friendly, and humane way of life. According to the BVS website:
  • BVS is an all-volunteer organization with membership open to vegetarians (voting members) and non-vegetarians. BVS events are open to members and non-members.
  • BVS began in 1986, is incorporated in Massachusetts
    The Commonwealth of Massachusetts is a state in the New England region of the northeastern United States of America. It is bordered by Rhode Island and Connecticut to the south, New York to the west, and Vermont and New Hampshire to the north; at its east lies the Atlantic Ocean. As of the 2010...

     as an educational non-profit, and has 501(c)3 tax-exempt status under the IRS.
  • BVS is an affiliate member of the North American Vegetarian Society (NAVS) , the Vegetarian Union of North America (VUNA), and the International Vegetarian Union
    International Vegetarian Union
    The International Vegetarian Union is an international non profit organization whose purpose is to promote vegetarianism. IVU was founded in 1908 in Dresden, Germany....

  • All FOOD at BVS is vegan and alcohol-free, according to the earliest documents (bylaws and articles of incorporation) of the Boston Vegetarian Society.

Boston Vegetarian Society and its programs are run by an all-volunteer Board. Members do not have voting rights.

Annually, the Boston Vegetarian Society (BVS) hosts the highly-popular, well-advertised, and well-attended Boston Vegetarian Food Festival (BVFF), which was first held on May 5, at the Howard W. Johnson Athletics Center at MIT because MIT graduate students provided a substantial proportion of the initial organizing effort.

External links

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