American Registry of Radiologic Technologists
The ARRT, founded in 1922, is the world's largest credentialing organization that seeks to ensure high quality patient care in radiologic technology. ARRT test and certify technologists and administer continuing education and ethics requirements for their annual registration.
The American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) promotes high standards of patient care by recognizing qualified individuals in medical imaging
Medical imaging
Medical imaging is the technique and process used to create images of the human body for clinical purposes or medical science...

, interventional procedures
Interventional radiology
Interventional radiology is a specialty of radiology, in which image-guided procedures are used to diagnose and treat a multitude of diseases across all body systems...

, and radiation therapy
Radiation therapy
Radiation therapy , radiation oncology, or radiotherapy , sometimes abbreviated to XRT or DXT, is the medical use of ionizing radiation, generally as part of cancer treatment to control malignant cells.Radiation therapy is commonly applied to the cancerous tumor because of its ability to control...

They have over 300,000 registered technologists in radiology and number growing rapidly.

It is a golden standard in Radiologic Technology to obatain ARRT registration for all radiological professionals in the speciality they educate in.
Many employers seek applicants who are registered in ARRT in the speciality they are seeking to practice.
Some employers have mandatory ARRT registration to practice radiology.

The modalities of interest include, but are not necessarily limited to: radiography, nuclear medicine technology, radiation therapy, cardiovascular-interventional radiography, mammography, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, quality management, sonography, bone densitometry, vascular sonography, cardiac-interventional radiography, vascular-interventional radiography, breast sonography and radiologist assistant.

In support of this mission, the ARRT:
Adopts and upholds standards for educational preparation for entry into the profession;
Adopts and upholds standards of professional behavior consistent with the level of responsibility required by professional practice;
Develops and administers examinations which assess the knowledge and skills underlying the intelligent performance of the tasks typically required by professional practice in the modality.

In addition to initial recognition, ARRT provides a mechanism to recognize individuals who continue to demonstrate their qualifications through adherence to the standards of professional behavior and compliance with the continuing education requirements.

Through licensing agreements with states, ARRT offers some of its exams to state-approved candidates for state credentialing — with the understanding that the results of the exam can be used by the state for purposes of state credentialing, but not for ARRT certification.
Administration of licensing laws differs from state to state. Some require that a state application be submitted prior to the examination administration, while others require only ARRT examination results. In few cases, recognition of the ARRT certification exam for satisfying state requirements remains at the discretion of the state licensing agency.
Almost all states in Northern America seek candidates who practice radiologic technology, to have registration from ARRT.

ARRT has very tough guidelines for good ethics, called code of ethics and rules of ethics.
ARRT only registers the applicants annually who fall within the guidelines of ethics.

ARRT certification is the gold standard of the profession. Education is where it all begins. Along with ethics qualifications and examination standards, it's an important part of the equation...ARRT's Equation for Excellence.

Education + Ethics + Examination =
The ARRT Equation for Excellence
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