Alepu Rocks
Alepu Rocks is the group of rocks off the east coast of Robert Island
Robert Island (South Shetland Islands)
Robert Island or Mitchells Island or Polotsk Island or Roberts Island is an island long and wide, situated between Nelson Island and Greenwich Island in the South Shetland Islands. Robert Island is located at . Surface area...

 in the South Shetland Islands
South Shetland Islands
The South Shetland Islands are a group of Antarctic islands, lying about north of the Antarctic Peninsula, with a total area of . By the Antarctic Treaty of 1959, the Islands' sovereignty is neither recognized nor disputed by the signatories and they are free for use by any signatory for...

, Antarctica, situated in an area with a diameter of 380 m (416 yd).

The rocks are named after the seaside locality of Alepu

 in Southeastern Bulgaria.


Alepu Rocks are centred at 62°23′04"S 59°20′37"W, which is 330 m (361 yd) north-northeast of Kitchen Point
Kitchen Point
Kitchen Point is a rocky point at the end of a narrow promontory projecting 1.2 km into Bransfield Strait from the east coast of Robert Island in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica to form the southeast side of the entrance to Kozloduy Cove....

 and 1.36 km (0.845066921843737 mi) southeast of Perelik Point
Perelik Point
Perelik Point is a point on the north side of the entrance to Kozloduy Cove on the east coast of Robert Island in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica projecting for 900 m into Nelson Strait. Situated 1.4 km northwest of Kitchen Point and 1.2 km southeast of Smirnenski Point. ...

. British mapping in 1968 and Bulgarian in 2009.

See also

  • Composite Antarctic Gazetteer
  • List of Antarctic and sub-Antarctic islands
  • List of Antarctic islands south of 60° S
  • SCAR
    Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research
    The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research is an interdisciplinary body of the International Council for Science . It was established in February 1958 to continue the international coordination of Antarctic scientific activities that had begun during the International Geophysical Year of 1957-58...

  • Territorial claims in Antarctica


External links

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