Aerotec was a design and manufacturing company founded in Brazil
Brazil , officially the Federative Republic of Brazil , is the largest country in South America. It is the world's fifth largest country, both by geographical area and by population with over 192 million people...

 in 1962
1962 in aviation
This is a list of aviation-related events from 1962:- Events :* Early 1962 – In Operation High Jump, the United States Navy McDonnell F4H-1 Phantom II fighter sets a number of world climb-to altitude records: 34.523 seconds to 3,000 meters , 48.787 seconds to 6,000 meters , 61.629 seconds to...

 under the auspices of the Brazilian General Command for Aerospace Technology (CTA)
Brazilian General Command for Aerospace Technology (CTA)
The Brazilian General-Command for Aerospace Technology is the national military research center for aviation and space flight of Brazil. It is subordinated to the Brazilian Air Force....

 in Sao Jose dos Campos
São José dos Campos
São José dos Campos is a municipality and a major city in the state of São Paulo, Brazil and one of the most important industrial and research centers in Latin America. It is located in the Paraíba Valley, between the two most active production and consumption regions in the country, São Paulo ...


Beginning in the late 1960s, the firm manufactured a two-seat trainer for the Brazilian Air Force
Brazilian Air Force
The Brazilian Air Force is the air branch of the Brazilian Armed Forces and one of the three national uniformed services. The FAB was formed when the Army and Navy air branch were merged into a single military force initially called "National Air Forces"...

, the Aerotec Uirapuru
Aerotec Uirapuru
-See also:...

. A small number were also built for the civil market, and still others were exported to other Latin American countries.

By 1980
1980 in aviation
This is a list of aviation-related events from 1980:-Events:* Summer 1980 – The British Aerospace Sea Harrier enters operational service with the Fleet Air Arm, providing the British Royal Navy with its first high-performance fixed-wing aircraft capability since the retirement of the aircraft...

, Aerotec's main business was producing components for Embraer
Embraer S.A. is a Brazilian aerospace conglomerate that produces commercial, military, and executive aircraft and provides aeronautical services....

. However, around this time, the Air Force became interested in an uprated version of the now-venerable Uirapuru. A prototype was built (designated Uirapuru II) but by the time it flew, the Air Force no longer required it. A small number were built for export.

In 1987
1987 in aviation
This is a list of aviation-related events from 1987:-January:* January 1 – United States Coast Guard HH-65 Dolphins and US Navy H-3 Sea Kings help rescue people trapped inside the Dupont Plaza hotel in Puerto Rico after a fire breaks out there late on December 31, 1986.* January 3 –...

, the firm was sold to Embraer.

The Aero Tec is also an air circulation fan produced by DL Manufacturing.


  • T-23 (A-122) Uirapuru
    Aerotec Uirapuru
    -See also:...

     ------------------------(1965) Single-engine two-seat low-wing monoplane aircraft with tricycle undercarriage

  • T-23C (A-122C) Uirapuru ------------------ (1965) Civilian version of military trainer T-23


  • EMB-712 Tupi

  • EMB-700 Ipanema
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