Administrative Assistant
Administrative Assistant is a broad job
Job (role)
A job is a regular activity performed in exchange for payment. A person usually begins a job by becoming an employee, volunteering, or starting a business. The duration of a job may range from an hour to a lifetime . If a person is trained for a certain type of job, they may have a profession...

 category that designates an individual who provides various kinds of administrative support to people and groups in business
A business is an organization engaged in the trade of goods, services, or both to consumers. Businesses are predominant in capitalist economies, where most of them are privately owned and administered to earn profit to increase the wealth of their owners. Businesses may also be not-for-profit...

Enterprise may refer to:-Economics and business:* A business* A company* Entrepreneurship, the practice of starting new organizations, particularly new businesses* Enterprise Architecture...


Kinds of Administrative Assistants

The term "administrative assistant" can be a formal title, or it can be a general description of an employee's function in an office. Depending on the kind of work a person does, there are many variations of job descriptions that fall under this role:
  • Employees with the title of Administrative Assistant generally provide support to specific departments or teams in a company (such as Human Resources
    Human resources
    Human resources is a term used to describe the individuals who make up the workforce of an organization, although it is also applied in labor economics to, for example, business sectors or even whole nations...

    , Accounting, Development
    Business development
    A subset of the field of commerce, business development comprises a number of techniques and responsibilities which aim at:1. Researching new types of business/products/services with an emphasis on identifying gaps in the mitigation of needs of potential clients .2. Attracting new customers3...

    , Sales and Marketing
    A sale is the act of selling a product or service in return for money or other compensation. It is an act of completion of a commercial activity....

     or Information Technology
    Information technology
    Information technology is the acquisition, processing, storage and dissemination of vocal, pictorial, textual and numerical information by a microelectronics-based combination of computing and telecommunications...

    ). In small companies, "admins" can provide support for everyone in the office.
  • Secretaries or Executive Assistants provide support to individual (usually high-ranking) company executives or small groups of executives. Their responsibilities often include handling more private or sensitive corporate and personal information than other employees.
  • The main job of a Receptionist
    A receptionist is an employee taking an office/administrative support position. The work is usually performed in a waiting area such as a lobby or front office desk of an organization or business...

     is to answer the telephone and take messages for an office or a department, and also to greet visitors to the office.
  • Project Assistants provide support to specific projects in a company (e.g. activities that have a defined goal and end-point).
  • Personal Assistant
    Personal assistant
    A personal assistant or personal aide is someone who assists in daily business or personal tasks. It is common in design to have a PDA, or personal design assistant....

    s provide support for a specific individual, and their responsibilities often include taking care of non-office related tasks, such as running personal errands.
  • Clerks often provide office support that is confined to one or two specific tasks, such as filing or data entry
    Data entry clerk
    A data entry clerk, sometimes called a typist, is a member of staff employed to type data into a database using a keyboard. The keyboards used can often have specialist keys and multiple colours to help them in the task and speed up the work.-Examples:...

  • Accounting Assistants provide support to a company's finance
    "Finance" is often defined simply as the management of money or “funds” management Modern finance, however, is a family of business activity that includes the origination, marketing, and management of cash and money surrogates through a variety of capital accounts, instruments, and markets created...

    , Accounts Payable
    Accounts payable
    Accounts payable is a file or account sub-ledger that records amounts that a person or company owes to suppliers, but has not paid yet , sometimes referred as trade payables. When an invoice is received, it is added to the file, and then removed when it is paid...

     and Accounts Receivable
    Accounts receivable
    Accounts receivable also known as Debtors, is money owed to a business by its clients and shown on its Balance Sheet as an asset...

     departments. Employees in these positions tend to have more specialized knowledge of accounting and finance.
  • Production Assistant
    Production assistant
    A production assistant, also known as a PA, is a job title used in filmmaking and television for a person responsible for various aspects of a production...

     is a term used to describe people who provide support for people and groups in film and television production.

Duties of Administrative Assistants

Administrative Assistants perform many basic functions in offices, including:
  • Assisting with all aspects of administrative management, directory maintenance, logistics, equipment inventory and storage
  • Managing inventory of assets and supplies, monitoring critical level of stocks, sourcing for suppliers and submitting invoice
    An invoice or bill is a commercial document issued by a seller to the buyer, indicating the products, quantities, and agreed prices for products or services the seller has provided the buyer. An invoice indicates the buyer must pay the seller, according to the payment terms...

  • Coordinating between departments and operating units in resolving day-to-day administrative and operational problems
  • Scheduling and coordinating meetings, interviews, events and other similar activities
  • Sending out and receiving mail and packages
  • Preparing business correspondence (often using word processing, spreadsheet, and presentation computer software)
  • Sending faxes
  • Managing Files
  • Research
  • Ordering and receiving food deliveries
  • Performing multifaceted general office support
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