Acqua pazza (wine)
The drink acqua pazza is a type of wine
Wine is an alcoholic beverage, made of fermented fruit juice, usually from grapes. The natural chemical balance of grapes lets them ferment without the addition of sugars, acids, enzymes, or other nutrients. Grape wine is produced by fermenting crushed grapes using various types of yeast. Yeast...

 by-product made by peasants in the Tuscan region of Italy from the leftovers of wine production. Also called acquarello, mezzone, or vinello, it has been described as "a watered down wine of second choice" by Apergi and Bianco (1991, 87).


In Tuscany
Tuscany is a region in Italy. It has an area of about 23,000 square kilometres and a population of about 3.75 million inhabitants. The regional capital is Florence ....

, the mezzadria peasants were involved in wine production, but most of the wine produced went to the landlord. This leaving little left for them to drink, they would supply themselves with wine by mixing the stems, seeds, and pomace
Pomace , or marc , is the solid remains of grapes, olives, or other fruit after pressing for juice or oil. It contains the skins, pulp, seeds, and stems of the fruit....

 left over from the wine production with large quantities of water, bringing it to a boil, then hermetically sealing
Hermetic seal
A hermetic seal is the quality of being airtight. In common usage, the term often implies being impervious to air or gas. When used technically, it is stated in conjunction with a specific test method and conditions of usage.-Etymology :...

 it in a terracotta vase and letting it ferment
Fermentation (wine)
The process of fermentation in wine turns grape juice into an alcoholic beverage. During fermentation, yeast interact with sugars in the juice to create ethanol, commonly known as ethyl alcohol, and carbon dioxide...

for several days. It was then drunk just as it was, slightly effervescent.
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