ASET (professional body)
ASET is a professional body in the United Kingdom
United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandIn the United Kingdom and Dependencies, other languages have been officially recognised as legitimate autochthonous languages under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages...

 founded in 1982 for placement and employability staff. ASET is an educational charity run by work-based learning practitioners for work-based learning practitioners and offers support, advice, guidance and representation to all professionals who work in the field.

It provides training for over 1300 staff managing sandwich and other forms of work placements. Promoting a focus on the integration of work and learning, ASET has provided leadership in the development of guidelines in many areas and also the promotion and dissemination of best practices.

ASET works closely to achieve its aims with bodies such as the Department for Education and Skills, Universities UK
Universities UK
Universities UK began life as the Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals of the Universities of the United Kingdom in the nineteenth century when there were informal meetings involving Vice-Chancellors of a number of universities and Principals of university colleges...

, the Higher Education Academy
Higher Education Academy
The Higher Education Academy is an independent organisation in the United Kingdom that supports higher education institutions with strategies for the development of research and evaluation to improve the learning experience for students.-History:...

, the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education
Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education
Established in 1997, the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education works to ensure that higher education qualifications in the United Kingdom are of a sound standard. It protects the public interest by checking how universities and colleges maintain their academic standards and quality...

 and NCWE
The NCWE is a charitable organisation that promotes, supports and develops quality work experience for the benefit of students, employers and the economy....


The main aims of ASET are to:
  • Provide strategic leadership for the sector and influence policy makers
  • Champion the concept of work-based learning
  • Advise on best practice for managing placements
  • Provide training and facilitate the sharing of good practice for placement and employability staff
  • Offer representation, advice and support to all professionals working in the field

External links

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