77318 Danieltsui
77318 Danieltsui is a main-belt
Asteroid belt
The asteroid belt is the region of the Solar System located roughly between the orbits of the planets Mars and Jupiter. It is occupied by numerous irregularly shaped bodies called asteroids or minor planets...

 minor planet
Minor planet
An asteroid group or minor-planet group is a population of minor planets that have a share broadly similar orbits. Members are generally unrelated to each other, unlike in an asteroid family, which often results from the break-up of a single asteroid...

. It was discovered by William Kwong Yu Yeung
William Kwong Yu Yeung
William Kwong Yu Yeung is a Hong Kong-born, Canadian astronomer with telescopes based in the United States.He is a prolific discoverer of asteroids and also discovered the comet 172P/Yeung...

 at the Desert Beaver Observatory
Desert Beaver Observatory
The Desert Beaver Observatory is a private astronomical observatory near Eloy, Arizona. The asteroid 25893 Sugihara was discovered at the Desert Beaver Observatory by William Kwong Yu Yeung....

 near Eloy, Arizona
Eloy, Arizona
Eloy is a city in Pinal County, Arizona, United States. According to 2005 Census Bureau estimates, the population of the city is 10,855.-Geography:...

, on March 27, 2001. It is named after Daniel C. Tsui
Daniel C. Tsui
Daniel Chee Tsui is a Chinese-born American physicist whose areas of research included electrical properties of thin films and microstructures of semiconductors and solid-state physics...

, a Chinese-born American physicist.

External links

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