1934 in Afghanistan
See also: 1933 in Afghanistan
1933 in Afghanistan
See also: 1932 in Afghanistan, other events of 1933, and 1934 in Afghanistan.-----February 1933:Towards the end of the month a "Crazy Fakir" appears in the Khost district in the south of Afghanistan, proclaiming that the ex-king Amanullah will soon arrive...

, other events of 1934, and 1935 in Afghanistan
1935 in Afghanistan
See also: 1934 in Afghanistan, other events of 1935, and 1936 in Afghanistan.----The country remains peaceful, although there is trouble among the Mohmands just across the frontier. King Zahir Shah, with the assistance of his uncle, the prime minister, continues the policy of his father, and...

Steps are taken by the semi-official trading company, the Shirkatiashami, to organize the trade in petrol, sugar, and cement. On August 8 a trade exhibition is opened by the king at Kabul.

Early 1934

The religious leaders publish a statement thanking the Afghan nation for having shown wisdom in discharging its duty to the late king by recognizing his son as king. Ghilzai
Ghilzai are the largest Pashtun tribal confederacy found in Afghanistan and Pakistan. They are also known historically as Ghilji, Khilji, Ghalji, Ghilzye, and possibly Gharzai...

s wintering in India also send declarations of their allegiance to the new king to Kabul by leading representatives. A pretender who claims that he is a relative of the ex-king Amanullah appears soon after among the Madda Khel
Madda Khel
Madda Khel is a Pashtun clan of Allaiwals of the Swati tribe, Batagram district in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa. Historically, Madda Khel had 600 fighting men against English at the end of the 19th century during the British colonial rule....

 tribe just over the Indian frontier southeast of the Khost
Khost or Khowst is a city in eastern Afghanistan. It is the capital of Khost province, which is a mountainous region near Afghanistan's border with Pakistan...

, but the Indian government prevents the tribesmen from giving him any support.

September 1934

Afghanistan makes application through its minister in London, Ali Mohammad Khan, to be admitted to the League of Nations
League of Nations
The League of Nations was an intergovernmental organization founded as a result of the Paris Peace Conference that ended the First World War. It was the first permanent international organization whose principal mission was to maintain world peace...

. The application is duly granted on September 26. In presenting the report of the subcommittee appointed to deal with it, Tevfik Rüstü Bey says that Afghanistan "was making resolute efforts towards international cooperation, and would give valuable aid to the League's work for peace." Sir Denys Bray
Denys Bray
Sir Denys de Saumarez Bray, KCSI, KCIE, CBE was an etymologist and Secretary of the Foreign Department of the Government of India....

 says on behalf of India that India will be glad to welcome Afghanistan, which has already shown its will to work for the League's ends during the Disarmament Conference; while Maksim Litvinov, on behalf of Russia, says that it is good to know that all the U.S.S.R.'s neighbours are to be united within the League. British delegate Archibald Skelton says that the Afghan entry is in conformity with a long-felt desire of the United Kingdom, and the representatives of Iraq, China, France, and Italy also add their congratulations.

October 25, 1934

The government of the United States extends recognition to the present government of Afghanistan, under date of August 21, 1934.
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