Was the moon once a small earth with land ,sea, air and life?
replied to: Lateralman
Replied to: Was the moon once a small earth with land ,sea, air...
Do you have any proof?
replied to: marilee2309
Replied to: Do you have any proof?
I can not reveal my sources, but have you ever heard of the man in the moon? He says it's a small world!
replied to: Lateralman
Replied to: I can not reveal my sources, but have you ever heard...
I thought venus was
replied to: marilee2309
Replied to: Do you have any proof?
We have recently discovered minerals and water there. Why is our sister planet so devoid of life, when here on Earth it is so abundant? Why has past meteorite strikes only stripped the surface of the moon and left the earth untouched, when it is constantly moving and has the Earth as it's shield. It has been suggested that rocks from Mars may have seeded the Earth. Why not rocks or people from the Moon? Was there once an advanced civilisation living on another blue planet that we call the Moon, that in order to avoid extinction sent their children to the Earth? The Moon is a third of the earths size. Where the people living there little people like the Hottentots from the cradle of civilisation in Africa or the small ancient humans found to be once living and thriving on the island of Flores off Indonesia. Did they destroy their technology in order to begin again.Where there once Pyramids on the Moon? Why is the Moon so different,when it is so close and was once a big chunk of this planet? Many of our ancesters worshiped the Moon,did they know something that we don't yet know?Do we already have the answers to these questions? Could this be the next movie blockbuster? Everyones come from the moon!