Woodworking joints
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I would like to know how to make a double locking miter joint, I have the bit for my shaper but never used it thanks Ron 0 9/21/2015
I have plans for a computer desk from Taunton Press that has a lot of mortise & tenon with mitered shoulders, dovetail joinery, none of which I have e... 0 1/31/2014
Looking for partnership 0 11/16/2013
Why would there be a dark liquid beading out of joints on an old all wood desk? The desk has been stored for many years in a vacant store and appears... 0 10/26/2013
I have an antique piece of furniture which I'm trying to identify. The only thing so far, that is "unusual", is the wood joints. They look like half c... 1 7/5/2013