Winchester Model 70
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2005 Model 70 WSM Custom, North American Big Game Series 0 2/26/2016
I have a model 70 7mm mag, bought in 1969, 2 boxes of shells through it, 3x9x40 scope, excellent condition!!! what is it worth? 0 11/2/2015
I have a model 70 winchester in 223wssm. The spent casings won't eject.I took the bolt apart the extracter is loose and moves back and forth with your... 0 10/29/2015
Does anyone know how to disasemble a Winchester 70 270 wsm magazine? 0 5/11/2015
I have recently seen a Winchester pre-64 Model 70, serial #385829 in 358 win. I have tried to research it but have not found any information about the... 0 4/19/2015
I have a model Winchester model 70 with the magazine that has a ssping loaded cartridge cradle and clips into the a base plate that is hinged to the r... 0 10/18/2014
I have a 50th Anniversary Mod 70 .I would like to find out what the value is after 23 years. It's new in box, Never been shot, 100%. 0 9/29/2014
"coyote outback" I have been trying to find out about this model seventy for four years now? Was it ever made in conn,was it made in S.C.?(both). Is t... 0 9/12/2014
I have a Model 70 LT in .338 Win Mag that is NIB. I've had it for 4-5 years and have started to handload ammo for it. In setting my dummy round to e... 0 9/9/2014
Can anyone tell me why the bolt on my model 70 243 has just started not extracting spent cartridges? The rifle has fired around 4000 rounds. Is this a... 1 9/7/2014
How do you tell the difference in the actions of a winchester model 70 centerfire rifle ex: control round push feed? 0 12/11/2013