Volkswagen Beetle
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Problm with my 1600 motor had no iinstalled drive 009 dirtibutor new plugs points cap rotor wirers set static timing motor will run o... 1 5/15/2016
Hi i just rebuilt a 1973 1600 vw engine when i got to the push rods and installed them the valves where so tight i could not adjust them i ordered a s... 0 12/8/2015
Where is the best place to find an owners manuel for a 2000 V.W.Turbo 1.8 liter? 0 10/31/2015
My fan is continuely runs while I have my car started and driving. when the car is off my fan is off. My question is will my fan burn out while on a 4... 0 2/21/2015
I just bought a 72 vw bug i dont know what motor it has its a 1.5 lt. but the problem im having is that when i start it it will run for a second then ... 0 9/12/2014
What distance can a old model Volkswagens beetle travel per day 0 8/16/2014
What was the number of the original engine installed in a 1990 vw Mexican beetle. 0 5/27/2014
The trunk will not open on 1965 vw beetle. cable appears to have tension just not releasing latch. how do i break in. need fuel 1 4/11/2014
Hello Friends: Restoring my 73 Beetle I came across the matter of the "evaporative emissions control" in the VW service manual. This item gets no at... 0 11/24/2013