To Kill a Mockingbird
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Does the book suggest that Calpurnia is Atticus' half-sister? Is that what is meant by Atticus' father giving her a bible and teaching her to read? 0 12/25/2017
What is Jean Louise's reaction to Aunt Alexander at the end of the chapter? 0 5/16/2016
What is mwanga specifically? 1 4/24/2016
Why did to kill a mockingbird win? 0 4/11/2016
Why do you think that harper lee the author put tom robinison up against the ewell family? 0 11/21/2015
How does atticus mentality demonstrate tolerance of the atypical? 0 11/21/2015
Atticus character analysis 1 9/23/2015
Scout character analysis 1 8/21/2015
What are atleast 2 ways atticus was showing bravery to scout and jem or for any body(ex.he was brave for defending tom robision) dont use that example... 0 5/31/2015
The childrens opinion of atticus rose a great deal when? a. they learned he had been all state quarter back in highschool b. he confronted mrs. dubo... 1 5/31/2015
What happened to judge taylor 0 5/15/2015
Why does dill say that he will be a clown when he grows up? 1 5/10/2015
What are the trait's of Mary Badham? 0 5/9/2015
How was the conflict solved? 0 4/9/2015
Name the conflict that the main character in the story experienced 0 4/9/2015
Pathos/humour and satire in novel 0 3/8/2015
I'm trying to write an essay on to kill a mockingbird from chapters 1 through 8. You never really understand a person until you consider things from h... 1 12/2/2014
What impact did the novel leave on a divided nation? 0 10/26/2014
What do the symbols mean in To Kill A Mockingbird? The Courthouse Jem's Treasure Chest Maycomb Mockingbirds Boo Radley The Radley House Boo's B... 0 8/25/2014
Why does Jem & Scout call their father Atticus instead of Father? 0 7/8/2014
Jem character analysis 1 6/16/2014
How does Lee use symbolism in this novel? 2 6/16/2014
Okay so i need 5 things that resemble jean louise finch or scout and why these things represnt her!! 0 5/8/2014
In the novel "To Kill A Mockingbird" the character Tom was shot seventeen times and in the movie he was only shot once.Why was the novel different tha... 0 4/19/2014
What is the townspeople's definition of justice and courage ? 0 4/4/2014
Destruction of social norms 0 3/24/2014
Who influenced scout give 3 characters 0 3/21/2014
Where does the theme of intolerence ( against persons, classes , race, religion ) come through in the first 161 pages of the novel ? 0 10/4/2013
When do Jem Scout and Dill seem to fully experience the racial injustice that exists in their society . What are there reactions? 0 10/4/2013
Discription of the town courthouse on the day of the trial 0 9/23/2013
What are some themes of To Kill A Mockingbird? 2 5/12/2013
Benfits and Drawbacks on Banning TKAM 0 1/12/2013
I can't find a solid example of Atticus demonstrating prudence, does anyone have any ideas? 0 12/15/2012
What are some motifs of this novel? 2 4/9/2012