Queueing theory
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  Subject Replies Date
Hi, wish to work on queue theory based road analysis, the road intersection consist of 4 axis, am i then to say that for each individual axis, there a... 0 2/25/2018
Limiting probability in G/M/1 queue 0 9/26/2017
Hi, I have to use queuing theory to determine the optimum manpower requirement for a particular operation. However, the arrival process does not se... 0 5/15/2016
Hey I just got finished reading fluid limits of many server retrial queues with non persistent customers by W. kang. Have anyone read this article? If... 0 4/20/2016
Queueing theory in Supply chain 0 4/19/2015
Hello everyone.....I am doing my final project. I have found many problem in my project. My final project about m/m/n queueing model in LAN network. I... 1 4/11/2015
Dear Friends, Is there any know Jackson-like theorem for an open Jackson network with deterministic arrivals? Thanks, Michael. 1 11/11/2014
Hi, I’m looking for Queueing Theory Software which could be used for industrial purposes. I would greatly appreciate your advice which of the Q... 1 10/20/2014
Does anyone know what is the latest analytical modeling for an M/G/m queuing system? I am working on this and trying to get the distribution of queue... 0 7/7/2014
I've recorded the times patients are served in a ward at a hospital. can anyone help me on how to analyse it using queuing theory 1 4/7/2014