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I am a Tunisian student in first year Masters 1 3/5/2016
Can Kenaf be planted in hydroponics in a big scale (50 acres)? If yes, can someone here with an experience suggests and explain on how I can start thi... 1 3/23/2015
What is the current pricing for kenaf fiber in either 40 mm or 80 mm? Delivered into the United States? 2 3/1/2015
I'm a farmer of Kenaf in Africa. Where can I get buyers please? 3 1/10/2013
Who buys kenef 0 1/10/2013
I am interested in Producing kenaf in India. I would like to know the average yeild of kenaf 120 days after planting and the average price per ton be... 1 10/10/2012