Blue Spruce
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  Subject Replies Date
What causes the needles to fall off, starting from the bottom of the tree? 0 4/15/2015
Will blue spruce grow in southern Manitoba, Canada where soil is clay and alkaline? 0 3/16/2015
Blue spruce 0 12/2/2014
How long does a blue spruce live? 0 12/2/2014
What is the scientific name for a blue spruce? 3 9/24/2014
Before we bought our house, someone planted a Colorado blue spruce as a bush in front of the house. It looks a bit odd with a short tree trunk, but t... 1 5/28/2014
What perennials are good to plant near a Colorado Blue Spruce? Any special tips anyone has on caring for a Colorado Blue Spruce? 1 4/21/2014