Zero suppressed decision diagram
A zero-suppressed decision diagram (ZSDD or ZDD) is a version of binary decision diagram
Binary decision diagram
In the field of computer science, a binary decision diagram or branching program, like a negation normal form or a propositional directed acyclic graph , is a data structure that is used to represent a Boolean function. On a more abstract level, BDDs can be considered as a compressed...

 (BDD) where instead of nodes being introduced when the positive and the negative part are different, they are introduced when negative part is different from constant 0. A Zero-suppressed
Zero suppression
Zero suppression is the removal of redundant zeroes from a number. This can be done for storage, page or display space constraints or formatting reasons, such as making a letter more legible.Examples:*00049823 → 49823*7.678600000 → 7.6786...

 decision diagram is also commonly referred to as a zero-suppressed binary decision diagram (ZBDD).

They are useful when dealing with functions that are almost everywhere 0.

Available packages

  • CUDD: A BDD package written in C that implements BDDs and ZBDDs, University of Colorado, Boulder
  • JDD, A java library that implements common BDD and ZBDD operations

External links

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