Yasushi Ozawa
was a Japan
Japan is an island nation in East Asia. Located in the Pacific Ocean, it lies to the east of the Sea of Japan, China, North Korea, South Korea and Russia, stretching from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north to the East China Sea and Taiwan in the south...

ese musician
A musician is an artist who plays a musical instrument. It may or may not be the person's profession. Musicians can be classified by their roles in performing music and writing music.Also....* A person who makes music a profession....

 and sound engineer, best known as the bassist
A bass player, or bassist is a musician who plays a bass instrument such as a double bass, bass guitar, keyboard bass or a low brass instrument such as a tuba or sousaphone. Different musical genres tend to be associated with one or more of these instruments...

 in Keiji Haino
Keiji Haino
Keiji Haino born May 3, 1952 in Chiba, Japan, and currently residing in Tokyo, is a Japanese musician whose work has included rock, free improvisation, noise, singer-songwriter, solo percussion, psychedelic, minimalism and drone styles...

's rock group Fushitsusha
Fushitsusha is a Japanese rock band specialising in the psychedelic rock, space rock and noise rock genres. The band consists of electric guitarist and singer Keiji Haino, and a shifting cast of complementary musicians. The group released the majority of its material in the 1990s.-History:Haino...

. He was also a member of the free improvisation
Free improvisation
Free improvisation or free music is improvised music without any rules beyond the logic or inclination of the musician involved. The term can refer to both a technique and as a recognizable genre in its own right....

 group Marginal Consort
Marginal Consort
Marginal Consort is a Japanese collective/free improvisation group made of sound and visual artists, who have played one concert annually since 1997. The group originally grew out of the East Bionic Symphonia, who recorded one album in 1976...

, and in the past he played with East Bionic Symphonia
East Bionic Symphonia
East Bionic Symphonia were a group of improvisers and artists who studied together under Takehisa Kosugi at the Bigakko artschool in Tokyo in the mid-1970s. As a graduation project they recorded an album of free improvisation that was edited by Kosugi and released on the ALM label in 1976. Several...

 and Machine-Gun Tango (with Tori Kudo
Tori Kudo
Tori Kudo is a Japanese musician, composer and potter, active since the late seventies, and best known for his strikingly naive work in the group Maher Shalal Hash Baz.-External links:* * *...



  • East Bionic Symphonia (Kojima, 1976)
  • V.A., Aiyoku jinmin juji gekijo (Pinakotheca, 1980)
  • Collective Improvisation (PSF, 1998)
  • Marginal Consort 4CD (Improvised Music from Japan, 2007)
  • Early Works of Satoshi Sonoda 1977→1978 / Memories of Yasushi Ozawa (PSF, 2009)

with Fushitsusha
  • Untitled (PSF, 1989)
  • Untitled (PSF, 1991)
  • Allegorical Misunderstanding (Avant, 1993)
  • Pathetique [also known as Hisou] (PSF, 1994)
  • The Caution Appears (Les Disques de soleil, 1995)
  • Purple Trap: The Wound That Was Given Birth To Must Be Bigger Than The Wound That Gave Birth (Blast First, 1996)
  • A Death Never To Be Complete (Tokuma, 1997)
  • The Time is Nigh (Tokuma, 1997)
  • Gold Blood (Charnel, 1998)
  • A Little Longer Thus (Tokuma, 1998)
  • The Wisdom Prepared (Tokuma, 1998)
  • Withdrawe, This Sable Disclosure ere Devot'd (Victo, 1998)
  • I Saw It! That Which Before I Could Only Sense (Paratactile, 2000)
  • Origin's Hesitation (PSF, 2001)
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