Wadaura Station
is a railway station operated by JR East's
East Japan Railway Company
is the largest passenger railway company in the world and one of the seven Japan Railways Group companies. The company name is officially abbreviated as JR East in English, and as in Japanese. The company's headquarters are in Yoyogi, Shibuya, Tokyo....

  Uchibō Line located in Minamibōsō
Minamiboso, Chiba
is a city located in Chiba Prefecture, Japan. As of 2010 data, the city had an estimated population of 42,035 and a population density of 183 persons per km²...

, Chiba Prefecture
Chiba Prefecture
is a prefecture of Japan located in the Kantō region and the Greater Tokyo Area. Its capital is Chiba City.- History :Chiba Prefecture was established on June 15, 1873 with the merger of Kisarazu Prefecture and Inba Prefecture...

, Japan
Japan is an island nation in East Asia. Located in the Pacific Ocean, it lies to the east of the Sea of Japan, China, North Korea, South Korea and Russia, stretching from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north to the East China Sea and Taiwan in the south...

. It is 106.8 kilometers from the terminus of the Uchibō Line at Soga Station
Soga Station
is a train station located in Chūō-ku, Chiba and operated by the East Japan Railway Company and the Keiyō Rinkai Railway Company. It is the northern terminal station for the Uchibō Line and is 3.8 kilometers from the northern terminus of the Sotobō Line at Chiba Station...

Wadaura Station was opened on December 20, 1922. The station was absorbed into the JR East network upon the privatization
Privatization is the incidence or process of transferring ownership of a business, enterprise, agency or public service from the public sector to the private sector or to private non-profit organizations...

 of the Japan National Railways (JNR) on April 1, 1987.
Wadaura Station is an at-grade station with two sets of rails running between two opposing side platform
Side platform
A Side platform is a platform positioned to the side of a pair of tracks at a railway station, a tram stop or a transitway. A pair of side platforms are often provided on a dual track line with a single side platform being sufficient for a single track line...


Can any of you seriously say the Bill of Rights|Bill of Rights could get through Congress today? It wouldn’t even get out of committee.

F. Lee Bailey, Newsweek, 17 April 1967.
