Volar metacarpal arteries
The palmar metacarpal arteries (volar metacarpal arteries, palmar interosseous arteries), three or four in number, arise from the convexity of the deep volar arch

They run distally upon the Interossei
Interossei refer to muscles between certain bones. There are many interossei in a human body. Specific interossei include:-On the hands:* Dorsal interossei muscles of the hand* Palmar interossei muscles-On the feet:...

, and anastomose at the clefts of the finger
A finger is a limb of the human body and a type of digit, an organ of manipulation and sensation found in the hands of humans and other primates....

s with the common digital branches of the superficial volar arch.

External links

("Palm of the hand, deep dissection, anterior view")
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