Video résumé
A video resume is a way for job seekers to showcase their abilities beyond the capabilities of a traditional paper resume. The video resume allows prospective employers to see, hear and get a feel for how the applicant presents themselves.


Video resumes, sometimes called Visumé or Video CV, were first introduced in the 1980s for use and distribution via VHS
The Video Home System is a consumer-level analog recording videocassette standard developed by Victor Company of Japan ....

 tape, but the idea never took off beyond the video taping of interview
An interview is a conversation between two people where questions are asked by the interviewer to obtain information from the interviewee.- Interview as a Method for Qualitative Research:"Definition" -...

s. However, with the modern capabilities of transmitting streaming video via the internet, video resumes have taken on new popularity


With the popularity of video hosting solutions there has been much debate in the usefulness of video resumes. Most recruiter
A recruiter is someone engaging in recruitment, or the solicitation of individuals to fill jobs or positions within a corporation, nonprofit organization, sports team, the military, etc. Recruiters may work within an organization's human resources department or on an outsourced basis...

s feel that a video alone does not give an employer enough information about a candidate to make a proper evaluation of the applicant's potential and more importantly skills. One article suggests that
"While a video resume introduces applicants on camera, the value such visual imagery adds is debatable. A text resume allows for specific pieces of information to be parsed out and compared across candidates. When the information is delivered verbally, recruiters need to glean the details themselves."

Video resumes can serve to facilitate racial, ethnic, class-based and age discrimination, or lead to accusations of such discrimination.

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