Vasavi is the goddess or kula devatha of the Arya Vysya community as mentioned in the Vasavi Puranamulu written in telugu
Telugu language
Telugu is a Central Dravidian language primarily spoken in the state of Andhra Pradesh, India, where it is an official language. It is also spoken in the neighbouring states of Chattisgarh, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Orissa and Tamil Nadu...

during the 10th century AD

History before the birth of Goddess Sri Vasavi Kanyaka Parameswari Devi

Kusuma Sresti , the king of vysyas was ruling the kingdom making PENUGONDA (Jestasailam) as capital city for all the 18 paraganas during 10th–11th century AD. Kusumamba was his wife. They were ideal couple and led a peaceful domestic life. They were worshipping Lord Siva (Nagareswara swamy) as the part of their daily duties. His Kingdom was part and parcel of Vengidesha, which was ruled by Vishnu Vardhana-7 or Vimaladitya Maharaj.

Though they had spent many years of their married life, the couple did not have the peace of mind. They suffered a lot, as there was no any successor to look after the administration of the Kingdom. Their many rites and sacrifices did not bear any fruit and hence they were heart striken. Then, with sheer disappointment, they approached Kulaguru (family Teacher) Bhaskaracharya. He advised them to perform Puthra Kamestiyaga which Dasharatha had observed.

During the auspicious hour, Kusuma Sresti couple started the yoga. The Gods were pleased and sent prasadam (blessed fruit from god) through Yagneswara(fire God). There was a divine utterance that they would be get children after eating prasadam. With utmost devotion they ate Prasadam, within a few days the sign of pregnancy was found with Kusumamba. She expressed unusual desires, which indicated that she would give birth to children who would fight for the welfare of all.

Birth of Vasavi Devi

During spring season, there was pleasure everywhere. Even the atmosphere was beautiful. Amidst this beauty, kusumamba gave birth to twins, one male the other female on Friday the tenth of vaisaka (telugu month) at twilight during coincidences of Uttara Nakshatra and Kanya (virgo) Male child was baptised as Virupaksha , and the female as Vasavamba. During childhood itself, in Virupaksha, the features of a powerful king, leadership qualities were clearly visible, whereas in Vasavi, the inclination towards art & architecture, adoration music and philosophical approach were seen. Even parents supported their tastes & preferences.

Education of Vasavi Devi

Under the guidance of Bhaskaracharya, Virupaksha learnt Vedas, fencing, horse riding, martial arts and statecraft archery and others, which were essential to rule a country. Vasavi learnt all fine arts and got mastery over the philosophical subjects and proud to be an intelligent woman.

Marriage of Virupaksha with Rathnavathi

When Virupaksha attained proper age he married Rathnavathi, daughter of Aridhisresti of Aelur Town. The huge gathering thought that even Vasavi's marriage would also be observed with same grandeur and pompous.

Vishnu Vardhna felt in love on Sri Vasavi Devi

Once, Vishnu Vardhna to eradicate his enemies and to extend his empire went on expedition. On the way he visited Penugonda. King Kusumasresti received him and took him in a procession and arranged felicitation program in the colourful auditorium on behalf of his subjects. In his way he visited Penugonda the birthplace of Vasavi Devi.

Among the crowd, Vimaladitya (Vishnu Vardhana) spotted Vasavi who was glittering with her beauty after when Manamatha (the god of romance) threw his sweet arrows on him which influenced him a lot. To enquire about her he sent his minister. He made up his mind to marry her. He went to the extreme extent that without Vasavi he could not live in the world. The desire of Vishnuvardhana (Vimaladitya) was like a deathblow to Kusumasresty. He was neither in a position to accept it nor to deny. The age disparity barrier of difference of caste in addition to that Emperor was already married. All these facts crashed his mind into pieces.
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