Uranoceratidae is a family of Silurian barrandeoceroids that tend to become uncoiled with age and in which siphuncle segments tend to be expanded into the camerae.(Flower and Kummel,1950).

Shells of uranoceratids are gyroconic. Early stages of a few species are annulated. Later stages of all are smooth or faintly striated or cancellated.(Sweet,1964) In many, septal necks are straight, but in others recumbent on one side or the other. Connecting rings are thin.

The Uranoceratidae are derived from Bickmorites.(ibid Flower and Kummel) Genera include Uranoceras
Uranoceras is a barrandeocerid genus from the Middle Silurian belonging to the family Uranoceratidae, characterized by its loosely coiled, gyroconic shell of 1.5 to 2 subquadrate whorls....

, Jolietoceras
Jolietoceras is a compressed, annulate, lituiconic nautiloid included in the derived Tarphycerid family, Uranoceratidae. The shell is gyroconic in the early stae, becoming straight and more rapidly expanded in the later. Sutures are straight and transverse...

, Cumingsoceras
Cummingsoceras is a barrandeoceroid genus within the Tarphycerida, included in the family Uranoceratidae. Its shell is a rapidly expanding gyrocone of about 1.5 narrowly separated whorls....

, and Cliftonoceras
Cliftonoceras is a barrandeoceroid type tarphycerid from the Uranoceratidae characterized by a smooth gyroconic shell with a rounded dorsum and flattened venter, and by a subvental siphuncle composed of thin connecting rings and necks that are straight ventrally, recumbent dorsally.Cliftonoceras...

.(ibid Sweet)
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