Up In Heah
Up In Heah or "Up In Hell" is the title of an Ike and Tina Turner song.

It is a somewhat humorous forbidden fruit
Forbidden fruit
Forbidden fruit is any object of desire whose appeal is a direct result of knowledge that cannot or should not be obtained or something that someone may want but is forbidden to have....

 tale of the "corruption" of a society so simple that a young woman's only options are the restricted life of a religious fundamentalist
Fundamentalism is strict adherence to specific theological doctrines usually understood as a reaction against Modernist theology. The term "fundamentalism" was originally coined by its supporters to describe a specific package of theological beliefs that developed into a movement within the...

 or the socially isolated and "cold" life of a sex worker
Sex worker
A sex worker is a person who works in the sex industry. The term is usually used in reference to those in the sex industry that actually provide such sexual services, as opposed to management and staff of such industries...

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