University Scholars
The University Scholars Program is an educational program for gifted students
Gifted education
Gifted education is a broad term for special practices, procedures and theories used in the education of children who have been identified as gifted or talented...

. It is part of the Pennsylvania Leadership Charter School
Pennsylvania Leadership Charter School
The Pennsylvania Leadership Charter School is a public cyber charter school, approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Education and open to all students in grades K-12 who reside in the state of Pennsylvania.-Education Process:...

, both located in West Chester, Pennsylvania
West Chester, Pennsylvania
The Borough of West Chester is the county seat of Chester County, Pennsylvania, United States. The population was 18,461 at the 2010 census.Valley Forge, the Brandywine Battlefield, Longwood Gardens, Marsh Creek State Park, and other historical attractions are near West Chester...

. The program is operated by Jane Ferris under the supervision of the PALCS board of directors.

From the University Scholars Website:
The University Scholars Program is a bricks-and-cyber blended program offering a specialized gifted education curriculum
See also Syllabus.In formal education, a curriculum is the set of courses, and their content, offered at a school or university. As an idea, curriculum stems from the Latin word for race course, referring to the course of deeds and experiences through which children grow to become mature adults...

. The program is designed to maximize the intellectual potential for gifted and motivated learners in a small learning community where individual achievement is valued and supported.

External links

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