Uni Health
Uni Health is a department in Uni Research, one of the largest research companies in Norway. Research Director of Uni Health is Professor Hege R. Eriksen
Hege R. Eriksen
Hege R. Eriksen is the Research Director of Uni Health and Professor at the University of Bergen, Norway.Eriksen holds a Cand. Scient in Sport and Physical exercise from the Department of biology and medicine, Norwegian University of Sport and Physical Education and an Msc.Epidemiology from the...


Uni health has approximately 125 employees, most of them located in Bergen, Norway.

Research units

The research and educational activities of Uni Health are concentrated in the following research units:

Centre for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Research

Child Protection Research Unit

Dental Biomaterials: Adverse Reaction Unit

GAMUT (the Grieg Academy Music Therapy Research Centre)

HEMIL Centre (Research Centre for Health Promotion)

National Centre for Emergency Primary Health Care

Occupational and Environmental Medicine

Research Unit for General Practice in Bergen

Research Centre for Sick Leave and Rehabilitation

Stress, Health and Rehabilitation (formerly the Research Unit of the Norwegian Network for Back Pain)
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