Treacherous Men
Treacherous Men song was performed by Sofia Rotaru
Sofia Rotaru
Sofia Mykhailivna Yevdokymenko-Rotaru known as Sofia Rotaru is a Soviet and Ukrainian pop singer of Romanian/Moldavian heritage....

 in the Russian musical Crazy Day or The Marriage of Figaro
Crazy Day or The Marriage of Figaro
Crazy Day or The Marriage of Figaro is a modern comedy musical staged by Russian and Ukrainian television channels NTV and Inter under direction of Semen Gorov in 2003, based on the Pierre Beaumarchais' play The Marriage of Figaro...

. The song is included in the Sofia Rotaru's album "I Loved Him
I Loved Him (album)
Ya zhe yego lyubila -Track listing:- External links :* *...

" (Ya zhe ego lubila - in Russian)
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