Transgender Warrior
"Transgender Warrior" is the 2003 7-inch single from Cindytalk
Cindytalk is an experimental music group fronted by Gordon Sharp, a Scottish performer who has been the only constant member since its inception in 1982.-History:...

 released by Klang Galerie. It is a limited edition of 150 numbered copies. The cover drawing is by San Francisco based artist Lisa Onomoto.
The B-Side "Guts Of London" features a short sample from Mike Leigh's 1993 film "Naked".

Wire Magazine [December 2004] said : "The sound of bowls being scraped in deep space (or, at least, the electronic equivalent of same) describes the textural aura of the latest release by Old School UK experimentalist Cindytalk. Transgender Warrior/ Guts Of London is a satisfying cascade of metallic whooshes that sound as though they were emanating from the core of a dying star. When things begin to simmer more slowly, voices emerge, which may or may not be commenting on the sewers of London. You be the ever lovin' judge."
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