Tracy Van Slyke
Tracy Van Slyke is the project director for The Media Consortium, "a network of the country’s leading, progressive, independent media outlets". The Media Consortium recently published the ground breaking study, "The Big Thaw: Charting a New Course for Journalism."

She was formerly the publisher for the progressive news magazine In These Times
In These Times
In These Times is a politically progressive monthly magazine of news and opinion published by the Institute for Public Affairs in Chicago...


Van Slyke recently co-authored "Beyond the Echo Chamber: How a Networked Progressive Media Can Reshape American Politics", published by The New Press
The New Press
The New Press is a not-for-profit, United States-based publishing house that operates in the public interest. It was established in 1990 as an alternative to large commercial publishers, and is supported financially by various foundations, groups and corporations including the Ford Foundation, the...

, with Jessica Clark
Jessica Clark
Jessica Clark is a U.S.-based author and researcher whose work focuses on media, culture and politics.Clark directs the Future of Public Media project at American University's . She organized the 2008 conference, which examined new tools and directions for public media, and regularly presents at...

. Clark and Van Slyke also co-edit a related blog, Beyond The Echo.
Christopher Hayes, the Washington editor for The Nation
The Nation
The Nation is the oldest continuously published weekly magazine in the United States. The periodical, devoted to politics and culture, is self-described as "the flagship of the left." Founded on July 6, 1865, It is published by The Nation Company, L.P., at 33 Irving Place, New York City.The Nation...

 has written that “Beyond The Echo Chamber tells one of the great untold stories of this decade: the evolution of an entirely new (and newly powerful) progressive media… It’s a must-read for media practitioners, consumers, and progressives of all stripes.” Laura Flanders, the host of GRITtv and the author of Blue Grit, describes the book like so: “From he-media to 'we-media,' Van Slyke and Clark document the shift from a media universe dominated by a few grim men to one in which progressive media can experiment, collaborate, report and have real impact.”

Van Slyke is currently on the board of both National People's Action, a national grassroots community organizing group, and Women, Action and the Media (WAM!), a nonprofit organization dedicated to building a robust, effective, inclusive movement for gender justice in media. In 2009, she was a Progressive Women Voice's fellow, which is the premier media and leadership training program organized by the Women's Media Center.

Van Slyke is a graduate of the University of Iowa
University of Iowa
The University of Iowa is a public state-supported research university located in Iowa City, Iowa, United States. It is the oldest public university in the state. The university is organized into eleven colleges granting undergraduate, graduate, and professional degrees...


External links

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