Tous Contre Un
Tous contre un was a daily quiz show
Quiz Show
Quiz Show is a 1994 American historical drama film produced and directed by Robert Redford. Adapted by Paul Attanasio from Richard Goodwin's memoir Remembering America, the film is based upon the Twenty One quiz show scandal of the 1950s...

, broadcast live on Télé-Québec
Télé-Québec is a French language public educational television network in the Canadian province of Quebec. Known legally as Société de télédiffusion du Québec , it is a provincial crown corporation owned by the Government of Quebec...

from September 2001 to March 2003 and hosted by Marc-André Coallier. Contestants had to answer questions based on the day's current news. Television viewers could also play on the Internet (in sync with the studio game) and win prizes. The final game of each program pitted the studio winner against 10 Internet contestants. The program's chief innovation was its proprietary computer system which allowed a perfect synchronisation between questions displayed on the television screen and on the Internet players' display screens.

The program was produced by Groupe Tele-Vision Inc. and was created by Eric F. Lemieux and Daniel Cormier.
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