Tom Schueller
Thomas J. "Tom" Schueller is a former Iowa State Representative. A Democrat
Iowa Democratic Party
The Iowa Democratic Party is the local branch of the Democratic Party in the state of Iowa.-Current elected officials:Iowa Democrats are in control of the Iowa Senate, one of the state's United States Senate seats, and three out of the state's five United States House of Representatives seats. ...

, he served in the Iowa House of Representatives
Iowa House of Representatives
The Iowa House of Representatives is the lower house of the Iowa General Assembly. There are 100 members of the House of Representatives, representing 100 single-member districts across the state with populations of approximately 29,750 for each constituency...

 from 2005 to 2011, representing the 25th District.

During his last term in the Iowa House, Schueller served on several committees in the Iowa House - the Economic Growth, Local Government, and WAys and Means committees. He also served as chair of the Rebuild Iowa and Disaster Recovery Committee and as a member of the Economic Development Appropriations Subcommittee.

Electoral history


External links

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