Tokyo Park
is based on a novel of the same name by author Yukiya Shoji, best known for his Tokyo Bandwagon series. Miura Haruma takes on the role of Koji, a college student aiming to become a professional photographer. One day, he receives an unusual request to shadow the client's girlfriend and take pictures of her, and that leads to subtle changes in his relationships with the women around him.

Nana Eikura
Nana Eikura
is a Japanese model, actress, and occasional radio show host.She was born in Izumi, Kagoshima, Kyushu island and grew up in Sagamihara, Kanagawa. She was scouted in front of 109 in Shibuya, Tokyo when she was in junior high school...

 plays the ex-girlfriend of Koji's childhood friend, while Manami Konishi
Manami Konishi
is a Japanese actress and singer from Satsumasendai, Kagoshima, Japan. She is a part of Sony Music Japan.-Biography:Born in Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan, in 1978, Manami Konishi joined Kohei Tsuka's Theatre Company in 1999, and made her stage debut in Tsuka's play "Netorare Sosuke." She established...

 plays Koji's sister after one of his parents remarries, and Haruka Igawa
Haruka Igawa
Haruka Igawa is a Japanese actress.-Personal life:Haruka married fashion designer Matsumoto Ato and has one daughter -Recognitions:* 39th Golden Arrow Award: Graph Award...

plays the woman that Koji is photographing.

"Tokyo Kouen" is scheduled for theatrical release in 2011.


A college student, aspiring to become a photographer, receives a job to follow a client's girlfriend. This assignment changes his relationship with women around him.
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