Tim Hill
Tim Hill is an American film director and television writer.

He began his career in 1993 as a writer and storyboard artist for Rocko's Modern Life
Rocko's Modern Life
Rocko's Modern Life is an animated series created by Joe Murray. The show aired for four seasons between 1993 and 1996 on Nickelodeon. Rocko's Modern Life is based around the surreal, parodic adventures of an anthropomorphic wallaby named Rocko, and his life in the city of O-Town...

, he also created the Kablam!
KaBlam! is an American animated television series that ran on Nickelodeon from 1996 to 2000. Then it moved to The N on April 15, 2002 as part of its The N's Saturday Nights block...

skit Action League Now!
Action League Now!
Action League NOW! is a stop motion children's television series that was originally part of All That and then KaBlam! on Nickelodeon, and was later spun off into its own short-lived show. It was made using "chuckimation"...

. Hill directed the live-action family films Muppets from Space
Muppets from Space
Muppets from Space is a 1999 science fiction comedy film and the sixth feature film to star The Muppets, and the first since the death of Muppets creator Jim Henson to have an original Muppet-focused plot. The film was directed by Tim Hill, produced by Jim Henson Pictures, and released to theaters...

, Max Keeble's Big Move
Max Keeble's Big Move
Max Keeble's Big Move is a 2001 Disney live-action teen comedy film directed by Tim Hill, written by David L. Watts, James Greer, Jonathan Bernstein, and Mark Blackwell, and starring Alex D. Linz as the title character. The film is set in University Place, Washington. It was released in North...

, Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties
Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties
Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties is the 2006 sequel to 2004's live-action feature film Garfield: The Movie...

, Alvin and the Chipmunks
Alvin and the Chipmunks (film)
Alvin and the Chipmunks is a 2007 comedy film directed by Tim Hill. Based on the animated series of the same name, the film stars Jason Lee, David Cross, and Cameron Richardson with the voices of Justin Long, Matthew Gray Gubler, and Jesse McCartney. It was distributed by 20th Century Fox and...

, Hop and Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends: The Movie. He is the nephew of director George Roy Hill
George Roy Hill
George Roy Hill was an American film director. He is most noted for directing such films as Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid and The Sting, which both starred the acting duo Paul Newman and Robert Redford...



  • Rocko's Modern Life
    Rocko's Modern Life
    Rocko's Modern Life is an animated series created by Joe Murray. The show aired for four seasons between 1993 and 1996 on Nickelodeon. Rocko's Modern Life is based around the surreal, parodic adventures of an anthropomorphic wallaby named Rocko, and his life in the city of O-Town...

    (1994–96) – Writer, story editor
  • Action League Now!!: Rock-A-Big-Baby (1997) – Director, producer, writer
  • Muppets from Space
    Muppets from Space
    Muppets from Space is a 1999 science fiction comedy film and the sixth feature film to star The Muppets, and the first since the death of Muppets creator Jim Henson to have an original Muppet-focused plot. The film was directed by Tim Hill, produced by Jim Henson Pictures, and released to theaters...

    (1999) – Director
  • Max Keeble's Big Move
    Max Keeble's Big Move
    Max Keeble's Big Move is a 2001 Disney live-action teen comedy film directed by Tim Hill, written by David L. Watts, James Greer, Jonathan Bernstein, and Mark Blackwell, and starring Alex D. Linz as the title character. The film is set in University Place, Washington. It was released in North...

    (2001) – Director, songwriter: MacGoogle theme song
  • Kenny the Shark
    Kenny the Shark
    Kenny the Shark is an animated television series produced by Discovery Kids. The show first aired on NBC's Discovery Kids on NBC from November 1, 2003 until February 18, 2006 with two seasons and 26 episodes having been shown. The series continued to run on Discovery Kids until the network changed...

    (2003–06) – Developer, writer
  • Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties
    Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties
    Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties is the 2006 sequel to 2004's live-action feature film Garfield: The Movie...

    (2006) – Director
  • Alvin and the Chipmunks
    Alvin and the Chipmunks (film)
    Alvin and the Chipmunks is a 2007 comedy film directed by Tim Hill. Based on the animated series of the same name, the film stars Jason Lee, David Cross, and Cameron Richardson with the voices of Justin Long, Matthew Gray Gubler, and Jesse McCartney. It was distributed by 20th Century Fox and...

    (2007) – Director
  • Hop (2011) – Director
  • Good Luck Trolls (TBA) – Director, voice actor
  • Mega Mom
    Metal Gear (video game)
    is an overhead military action-adventure video game originally released in by Konami for the MSX2 computer standard in Japan and parts of Europe. Considered to be the progenitor of the stealth game genre, it was also the first video game designed by Hideo Kojima, who also directed many of the...

    1987 in video gaming
    -Notable releases:* January 14, Nintendo releases Zelda II: The Adventure of Link in January for the Famicom Disk System in Japan only. The game would go unreleased in America for nearly two years afterwards.* February 20, Konami releases Contra...

    ) - Tank driver and gunner
  • Smokin' and Sizzlin' 2
    Die Hard 2
    Die Hard 2 is a 1990 action film and the second in the Die Hard film series. The film was directed by Renny Harlin, and stars Bruce Willis as John McClane...

    (1990) - dead gunman
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